1. Amen. This says exactly what I feel. If only people who were pro-guns could be killed by their bullets, I’d be all for their right to own them: Own a gun = Take that risk. Unfortunately, reality is quite different. Where are my rights not to lose my life or my child’s life to some idiot wielding a ridiculously high-powered rapid-fire semi-automatic bush rifle?!

      1. @kozandaishi

        Some countries where military service is mandatory arm their citizens with rifles. There is a difference between owning a rifle, and owning every freaking gun under the sun. People are buying all sorts of crazy weapons and ammunition mail order. The ease of availability is a bit much. It is one thing to defend your home, go hunting or target practice, it is another thing to be the freaking Terminator. Therein resides the distinction.

        A culture of violence and aggressive foreign and national policy are other things also vital to be addressed. A holistic approach would be nice.

  2. Fantastic initiative from Obama this morning. I hope people were listening. I particularly appreciated one phrase, “make help for mental illness as available as guns.”

  3. Guns don’t kill people, the choices that people make kill people.

    “We have choice when we take responsibility for the gift of our intelligence, or not. Let’s make that choice. Then all the rest of it starts to fall into place.” ─John Trudell

  4. ‘Tis a consummation. Devoutly to be wished. Please don’t forget to see to it that these weapons become standard issue in the military as well….


  5. I love this and appreciate the point but derision from those you might want to reach will occur because you included the casing with the bullet. Fuck it. You probably knew that.

    1. You’re right – I knew something was wrong and that’s what it was. Fixed. Thanks, man.

      1. Mr. Fish –

        Thanks! Now I can send it on to my right wing nut case friends. A seed planted….Or a hope filled wallow? Gotta keep trying.

        BTW – Thanks for bringing years of manic depressive enjoyment of your work. Guess I should buy a fucking shrt.

  6. Fish, as artists, it really falls to us to try and bring reason, compassion and honesty to these moments. All other types of dialog are meaningless as they come from the perspective of the speaker.

    Art exists solely in the interpretation of the viewer. The intent of the artist is irrelevant. In this way, individuals are forced to contemplate and are challenged to either reinforce or reinvent their thinking.

    PUSH. PROD. POKE. The grace with which your piece, with no words really needed, does just that, most wonderfully.

    peace. box.

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