I’d say those percentages are about 13.5% more than I believe in American style democracy as it may have once existed. Why should any of us care enough to vote when we all know the elections have been bought and paid for in advance? Everyone will just let The Kochs decide, even the Supreme Court.
Americans, being a population that has lost most sense of its own positive identity, subsists on its well-developed negative identity.
Americans unify, not on some positive aspect of their own identity, but on their own negative identity directed against their received manufactured perceptions of some evil Other’s negatives.
If one wants to appeal to Americans, simply call their attention to those Others that they can be convinced of being as deserving of their hate.
If negative campaigning didn’t work it wouldn’t be so universally used.
I’d say those percentages are about 13.5% more than I believe in American style democracy as it may have once existed. Why should any of us care enough to vote when we all know the elections have been bought and paid for in advance? Everyone will just let The Kochs decide, even the Supreme Court.
Americans, being a population that has lost most sense of its own positive identity, subsists on its well-developed negative identity.
Americans unify, not on some positive aspect of their own identity, but on their own negative identity directed against their received manufactured perceptions of some evil Other’s negatives.
If one wants to appeal to Americans, simply call their attention to those Others that they can be convinced of being as deserving of their hate.
If negative campaigning didn’t work it wouldn’t be so universally used.
And why War Is a Force that Gives Us Meaning.