1. After almost a decade of enduring this internet bullshit, I can say one thing… EmileZ does know how whitey thinks.

    1. goshdarnit!!!

  2. Nah, this is what America wants to be. That is the hard fact to accept. Despite all the information out there, the populace deliberately chose this path. Trump or Hillary. There were other options, but they are eclipsed by a majority that embrace the policies of ‘perpetual war for perpetual peace’ abroad and a police state domestically where the ‘haves’ always overpower the ‘have-nots’. We have so much history to draw from, so many top scholars to show other paths, but they are disregarded. America embraces her true self.

  3. Let’s call this what it really is—— a well organized crime family’s taking of a nation and beyond. We’ve been conned, robbed, squeezed, manipulated, and screwed. The biggest, badest, Mafia would pale in comparison to the Clinton’s, the DNC, and their corporate media minions.

    1. Agreed…!

  4. Interesting to compare the campaign leading to the US presidential election of 6 November 1860 with its counterpart this year. That was before the two «major» parties established their stranglehold on the political process on the country. The results ? Take a look at this map….


  5. It appears that the baby had been fed to the hogs and the afterbirth was given the family name and wrapped in swaddling.

    Anybody else notice the bad smell and the arrested development?

  6. Thank G*d we still have Vermont.

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