1. I can not believe this shit I am hearing on Democracy Now about Russian interference in elections and “fake news”. If anyone is responsible, and I think these are baseless charges, it would most likely be Exxon private agents who want that half trillion.

    Fuck you Christine Pelosi!!!

    This is insane!!!

    1. Agreed. Christine Pelosi… Nepotism much?

    2. In denial much? So, it’s not possible that the Republicans pulled off a major coup with help from the Russians, after a direct appeal from Trump to do just that? You don’t think it’s possible that on their own, the Russian government realized who their best friend would be in the arena of oil and big biz? Seriously! Do you believe there was voter tampering brought on by the gutting of the Voting Rights Act? 75 thousand plus votes uncounted in Michigan by broken machines, in mostly minority areas…is that plausible or did Nancy and her daughter fabricate that too. The recount on those was halted, because why bother with free and fair elections when the guy who “won” will reward you with riches beyond your wildest imagination if ya just stick to the script.

      All you have to do is look at the appointees from Trump’s Animal Farm to realize what is right in front of your face. This election was hijacked in many, many, many different ways. How can that possibly be in question?

      Honestly, I don’t give a flying fuck if the last name of the person, who is only one of almost 30 bipartisan electors, including the first Elector to call foul in this farce, a Republican from Texas, of all places.

      Y’all are smart people. Why are you demoninzing Democracy Now? They are just reporting facts. You sound all too much like liberals willing to blame FOX news for everything. And yet FOX just makes shit up.

      I’m flabbergasted by your comment. Simply flabbergasted. Have you read any other news sources who are reporting the same facts? New York Times, CNN, Washington Post, Truth Dig, and a jillion others? As a matter of fact Democracy Now was the last to report on this story after a flurry of weekend news outlets picked up on it. They waited to get more facts. Let me repeat that…DEMOCRACY NOW WAITED TO REPORT ON THIS STORY IN ORDER TO GET MORE FACTS. That’s called reporting and journalism.

      Yes, this election was hijacked. Was it by the Russians? Well, we will know empirically once an investigation is done. Or just before we elect Comey as the new head of the KGB. Cause lord knows he didn’t play a part in this as a partner to Russia with that devastatingly timed, but inconsequential memo about more Clinton email leaks.

      Nothing fishy here!

      “Go back to bed America, your government has everything under control. Go back to bed.”
      Bill Hicks

      So go back to bed, Emile and Kozandaishi, “Trust” Trump to make everything okay in this country and play footsie with Putin in his oil and enrichment regime for the 1%. It’s bad enough we have to fight the idiots across the aisle. So, no, this is not insane…you are!

      1. There currently are no “facts” – mere speculation from Pravda West House Organs CNN, New York Times, Washington Post, and other MSM propaganda outfits. (Operation Mockingbird, much?)

        US Intel Vets Dispute Russia Hacking Claims

        As the hysteria about Russia’s alleged interference in the U.S. election grows, a key mystery is why U.S. intelligence would rely on “circumstantial evidence” when it has the capability for hard evidence, say U.S. intelligence veterans.

        Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity


        Allegations of Hacking Election Are Baseless

      2. My name is EmileZ, not Emile. I like Amy, but she is not perfect. To her credit she had a debate on this issue with some human rights watch guy and some longwinded arrogant leftish professor on just this subject today. It was ridiculous, but at least she tried, and I give her credit for that.

        Also, about waiting for the facts to come out… We still seem to be waiting for something credible other than the “means and motive” argument.

        The Media’s Emphasis on Russian Hacking is a Diversion

        1. It is pronounced Emile-Zee.

        2. Who knows? Perhaps in the future Democracy Now will provide a better antidote to this bullshit the Hillary Clinton/establishment camp cooked up to deflect attention away from the DNC leaks and smear anyone who was interested as a pro-Putin puppet. This was already a growing trend in the establishment media with regards to Ukraine, and later Syria (conflating criticism of US foreign policy ala Samantha Powers as being an apologist for Russia, which by the way, I often am, in the face of American aggression).

          The mainstream media has picked up this ball and is running with it like a chicken with it’s head cut off.

    3. But, Pelosi lived up to a long standing intrinsic component of American demogogcracy where an unknown but politically connected person will decide who their president will be and the rules these people will live by. Children become insecure when given too much freedom and they feel much better living under the expectations presented by the firm hand of anonymous authority.

      The Founding Fathers knew that the People can be trusted to behave as wayward children, and that some unknown but politically connected person must step in to overrule the result of elections that didn’t turn out the way the unknown but politically connected people hoped they would.

      Anyone who misreads my intent here is merely an example childishness.

  2. Greetings,
    US President-elect Donald Trump picks ExxonMobil chief Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State. Back to when America was great,

  3. This just jumped to my number one fav of all time. It’s really, really spot on, Fish. Yup, go ahead Amerika, put a weak shackled hand up, take the god given oath, and drink what’s in your Dixie cup. And, as my mom would say, “Goddamned smile while you’re doing it. And that’s an order.”

  4. Amerika…. the entertainment division of the military-industrial complex.

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