I envisioned the MLK of the forty-first century rather as having a buzz cut, wraparound shades, and a massive assault rifle, like the rest of the Pantheon….
Supercilious bag licking libertines.
Tis, I fear, the fate of bright truth to be obscured by dark magic.
America – The Greatest Show on Earth. Just wondering if you’ve ever read Philip K. Dick’s Exegesis. Your genius creations and insights remind me of the revelatory expressions of PKD, Bill Hicks, and other “freedom riders”‘ that have gone beyond the bounds of accepted dogma and mundane bullshit.
You’re not the first person to tell me to check out PKD – I haven’t yet. I listen to Bill Hicks all the time. One of my heroes for sure. Lenny Bruce, too. Gore Vidal interviews are spectacular, as well. Oh, brother, I could go on and on…
I really liked the first one and a half or two acts of Dr. Bloodmoney. I read most of his books a long time ago (except the Exegisis, which from what I understand is his psychedelic nervous breakdown scribblings and not a novel). The Three Stigmata Of Palmer Eldritch, was pretty good, as I recall, and I am thinking Lies, Inc. wasn’t that bad. I remember I liked Martian Time-Slip as well. He is a good writer, but often he has lazy endings to his books.
Mr. Fish – see this
Bill Hicks might be your hero; but you’re mine. Take that…
I envisioned the MLK of the forty-first century rather as having a buzz cut, wraparound shades, and a massive assault rifle, like the rest of the Pantheon….
Supercilious bag licking libertines.
Tis, I fear, the fate of bright truth to be obscured by dark magic.
America – The Greatest Show on Earth. Just wondering if you’ve ever read Philip K. Dick’s Exegesis. Your genius creations and insights remind me of the revelatory expressions of PKD, Bill Hicks, and other “freedom riders”‘ that have gone beyond the bounds of accepted dogma and mundane bullshit.
You’re not the first person to tell me to check out PKD – I haven’t yet. I listen to Bill Hicks all the time. One of my heroes for sure. Lenny Bruce, too. Gore Vidal interviews are spectacular, as well. Oh, brother, I could go on and on…
I really liked the first one and a half or two acts of Dr. Bloodmoney. I read most of his books a long time ago (except the Exegisis, which from what I understand is his psychedelic nervous breakdown scribblings and not a novel). The Three Stigmata Of Palmer Eldritch, was pretty good, as I recall, and I am thinking Lies, Inc. wasn’t that bad. I remember I liked Martian Time-Slip as well. He is a good writer, but often he has lazy endings to his books.