rump – another word for ass… the body part the U. S. is currently showing the world
mut – variant spelling of mutt – a mongrel dog of dubious heritage, current U.S. President not excepted
put – first three letters of Trump’s favorite person on Earth
rpm – count of spin… with Trump the news cycle can even keep up
rpt – abbreviation for repeat… what Trump does since he can’t think of anything else too say
rum – a stiff drink fitting to the times
rut – the path of Congresses divisive nature since one Newt Gingrich put The Contract out on America
ump – Special Council Mueller is studying over the replays of the Trump cabal
up – a direction foreign by far to a world consumed by greed and hate
Six U’s ?!! What sort of tile set are your playing with, Dwayne ?…
It’s a crossword, not Scrabble.
Even now when the solved puzzle is put before the eyes of the people, so many still can’t read the word fascism.
Brilliant! Gearing up to binge-watch the upcoming new Netflix series…. “The United States of FUBAR.” Happy Holidays and all the best to you in 2018, Mr. Fish – and also to Mrs. Fish and the Fishettes.
Anagram subsets of the word Trump:
rump – another word for ass… the body part the U. S. is currently showing the world
mut – variant spelling of mutt – a mongrel dog of dubious heritage, current U.S. President not excepted
put – first three letters of Trump’s favorite person on Earth
rpm – count of spin… with Trump the news cycle can even keep up
rpt – abbreviation for repeat… what Trump does since he can’t think of anything else too say
rum – a stiff drink fitting to the times
rut – the path of Congresses divisive nature since one Newt Gingrich put The Contract out on America
ump – Special Council Mueller is studying over the replays of the Trump cabal
up – a direction foreign by far to a world consumed by greed and hate
rpm – count of spin… with Trump the news cycle [can’t] even keep up
Six U’s ?!! What sort of tile set are your playing with, Dwayne ?…
It’s a crossword, not Scrabble.
Even now when the solved puzzle is put before the eyes of the people, so many still can’t read the word fascism.
Brilliant! Gearing up to binge-watch the upcoming new Netflix series…. “The United States of FUBAR.” Happy Holidays and all the best to you in 2018, Mr. Fish – and also to Mrs. Fish and the Fishettes.