1. There are two kinds of people in this world. Chickens who cross the road and those who don’t. A few can be ignored/forgotten after a few days as roadkill.

  2. Excellent.
    The LDs also abandoned honesty long ago,
    making it extremely difficult to condemn much of Trump’s behaviour
    with any ferocity or credibility

    1. What? The LD’s have no credibility. I don’t believe you. 🙂 Love

  3. “Durbin warns candidates like Sanders and Warren ‘jeopardize’ party’s chances to win the middle”


    Democrats, like the Senate Minority Whip Durbin, have a great plan to win against Trump.

    They want to take votes from Trumps voting base, and just forget about the fact that had Sanders been allowed to run against Trump, Democrats would now be looking forward to a Sanders’s reelection.

    Maybe Durbin would like Democrats to stoop to wearing blackface in order to split Republican votes away from Trump instead of appealing to issues the Left (Those still marooned in the Democratic Party wasteland) would vote for like debt forgiveness and medicare for all.

    Surely the lying, thieving, Wall Street denizens don’t know the meaning of moral obligation.

    Of course, Durbin is not going to run again.

    Maybe Durbin should REALLY recommend that all of the Deadwood Democrats follow his lead, and get the hell out of the way.

  4. TRUTH

  5. Do you mean to say, Dwayne, that Donald john Trump is not a problem that Joseph Robinette Biden can’t solve ?…


  6. You have hit the proverbial nail on the metaphorical head. My wife, Sacka, and I have been saying this for a very long time. The Creamsicle Man is not the “real” problem. He’s not even a problem, in the literal sense, more like a phenomenon, or a giant pustule, if you will, that contains all of the nastiness, failure, and broken promises of the ‘good guys’. Right on, Mr. Fish, you’ve done it again.

    1. Yes, Trump is not the problem.

      Trump is a symptom of a sick Democratic Party.

    2. Right on to you for recognizing the real in your face truth. Thanks for the clarity and honesty. Trump has never been the problem. For many reasons but I’ll just give 2…1…He is only stupid enough to be told what to do but not how to lead and 2…just repeat number 1. Peace.

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