I did this for CounterPoint. Sign up and get their newsletter. You’ll get political cartoons sent to you and that will make you smarter, or at least more judgemental and harder to be around. Dig it.

I did this for CounterPoint. Sign up and get their newsletter. You’ll get political cartoons sent to you and that will make you smarter, or at least more judgemental and harder to be around. Dig it.
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This is good. But Hope Lies in the Streets is the one that keeps reappearing in my mind each day. I could be walking a room, talking with kids, teaching physics and climate change to right wingers in conservative rural America, and then I’ll see the smiley faces and big skull, and nicely done in black and white to give them skeleton Halloween effect, and then I’ll ask secretly if the tentacles are really there, and of course I’ll say to myself, they are tentacles and he really had an octopus in mind, but then I’ll reflect on how Fish sort of suggested it, rather than rammed it, and so it just makes Paper Trails less memorable. GIVE ME HOPE LIES IN THE STREETS NOW!
Ok, it’s ok. I can wait.
Nah…, wait. I should really speak my mind here. As long as Fish is going to peddle this second rate Great Stuff, when he could easily, with a click here, and a download there and an upload over where, publish the stellar piece of HOPE LIES IN THE STREETS, I won’t hold my tongue or my dickisheness. I have had it. He has had 3 days! to publish the historic wonder thing he calls HOPE LIES IN THE STREETS, but instead we just have this waiting and waiting, while we look at long plane avenues of papers, like a barren arctic landscape, with what appears to be scriblings on them, and a cute few words and some stuff that allows him to be a cartoonist on this day, at this busy time of holiday, while we all get distracted and wait and wait. HOPE LIES IN THE STREETS must be published on Crowncrack before we all see the New Years, so we don’t forget that his greatness lies in the way he awakes cheerie and goes to bed dreerie each day and deals with all the same mania that generated this diatribe, lacking of course his artistic genius.
Paper or plastic? Ahhhh, fuck it. I’ll take my methane in a cotton bag, please.
Paper from sustainable hemp!
ya know your sight has serious lag. and im using a 7 plus
lol =D i like this one!