1. There’s no such thing as capitalism with a conscience, or without settler colonialism, or without environmental exploitation and destruction.

  2. So dear Uncle Sam is an equal opportunity murderer, not merely chaps with (slightly) darker skins abroad, but even futures at home. Not a racist bone in his body !… 😉


  3. Our father, who art in heaven
    Hallowed be thy name and
    To the flag of the United States of seven
    Wars, Four Score
    that these dead shall not have died in vain—that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom
    But have eternal damnation since
    I’ve been watching you
    For some time
    Can’t stop staring
    At those oceans eyes
    Burning cities
    And napalm skies
    Forever and ever, Amen.


  4. The Abrahamic Monotheist virus and Manifest Destiny are a deadly combination. Not to mention Capitalism without a conscience.

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