Jesus told him, “Chris Matthews, if you want to be perfect, go and shut your mouth and advocate only for the poor in deed, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then open thine mouth whenst thou has something useful to say. Then come, follow Me.” 22When Chris heard this, he went away in sorrow, because he had friends of great wealth. 23Then Jesus said to His homeless friends, “Truly I tell you, it is hard for a man of rich friends to enter the kingdom of heaven. 24 And again He spoketh unto them, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a Bloomberg type of man to enter into the kingdom of social order and wellness. “
Humor is Subjective
25 Then Chris summarily resigned saying something crazy about Bogart playing Hardball, hinting that Chris too cries sometimes and maybe even drinketh himself sick. 26 But the masses in Whoville went home and maketh Chinese Dumplings with love and hours of time with a beer and family. 27 And laughter and joy returned, yet Hardball and Trump saying “Your Fired!” on Aprentice could not be heard.
Mark Montimurro
I concur with one of the other commenters, this is one of your best, in a very crowded field. As we face yet another four years of Creamsicle Face, at least we can express our disappointment and frustration with the entire damn system through your extraordinary images.
The last words of the Brooklyn-born damsel in distress were “I don’t care about your damn emails!” Maybe (s)he should’ve cared – things might have turned out differently.
if Bloomberg becomes the nominee I will concede to your “dems are just as bad” analysis.
M Henri Day
Dwayne, is the chap in the top hat and waistcoat and wielding a large hammer supposed to be John Henry, the steel-driving man ?… 😉
Terry Rankin
I’m already working up another blog post around this one! Masterful craftery, MR FISH! You never dissappoint!
My Bernie has Houdini skills and the wings of angels. And my train transporting those from Auchswitz, is packed with with miserable people traveling along routes in South America, China, like sardines. The toilets are holes and you crap through the hole in the floor onto the tracks. Then you step over the bodies back to your spot tracking the fecal matter and urine that globs in bits to your the souls of your roots. The train stops, because it’s Amtrak, taking you to your appearance in court in Lompoc for the trial of the man who stabbed your son to death. But the train has to stop. The DNC and Trump are bewildered . Where go Bernie? We now unload ourselves to greet you.
Great work – one of your all-time best, in my humble opinion . . . Fish Hall of Fame material.
I would generally be interested in your take on the viability (or if even a candidates’ viability should even matter) of the Sanders campaign.
Personally, now that Warren seems to have been sufficiently put in the “shrill female” box, I am thinking Klobacher may be the only anti-Trump card the resistance can play.
Show me big daddy in the inimitable way of the Fish!
Sanders consistently beats Trump in matchup polls since 2016. Klobachar’s centrism would probably get a lower turnout than Hillary did.
I will support Bernie…but I have to trust history in knowing Sanders will be torn to shreds by the Media and Trump and everyone else so that come Election Day he will be a moist stain on history. Think George McGovern. A potentially great president but instead is known for the elites putting in place the bullshit primary system we have today just to prevent anything close to a possible change factor from entering the White House.
Jesus told him, “Chris Matthews, if you want to be perfect, go and shut your mouth and advocate only for the poor in deed, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then open thine mouth whenst thou has something useful to say. Then come, follow Me.” 22When Chris heard this, he went away in sorrow, because he had friends of great wealth. 23Then Jesus said to His homeless friends, “Truly I tell you, it is hard for a man of rich friends to enter the kingdom of heaven. 24 And again He spoketh unto them, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a Bloomberg type of man to enter into the kingdom of social order and wellness. “
25 Then Chris summarily resigned saying something crazy about Bogart playing Hardball, hinting that Chris too cries sometimes and maybe even drinketh himself sick. 26 But the masses in Whoville went home and maketh Chinese Dumplings with love and hours of time with a beer and family. 27 And laughter and joy returned, yet Hardball and Trump saying “Your Fired!” on Aprentice could not be heard.
I concur with one of the other commenters, this is one of your best, in a very crowded field. As we face yet another four years of Creamsicle Face, at least we can express our disappointment and frustration with the entire damn system through your extraordinary images.
The last words of the Brooklyn-born damsel in distress were “I don’t care about your damn emails!” Maybe (s)he should’ve cared – things might have turned out differently.
if Bloomberg becomes the nominee I will concede to your “dems are just as bad” analysis.
Dwayne, is the chap in the top hat and waistcoat and wielding a large hammer supposed to be John Henry, the steel-driving man ?… 😉
I’m already working up another blog post around this one! Masterful craftery, MR FISH! You never dissappoint!
My Bernie has Houdini skills and the wings of angels. And my train transporting those from Auchswitz, is packed with with miserable people traveling along routes in South America, China, like sardines. The toilets are holes and you crap through the hole in the floor onto the tracks. Then you step over the bodies back to your spot tracking the fecal matter and urine that globs in bits to your the souls of your roots. The train stops, because it’s Amtrak, taking you to your appearance in court in Lompoc for the trial of the man who stabbed your son to death. But the train has to stop. The DNC and Trump are bewildered . Where go Bernie? We now unload ourselves to greet you.
Great work – one of your all-time best, in my humble opinion . . . Fish Hall of Fame material.
I would generally be interested in your take on the viability (or if even a candidates’ viability should even matter) of the Sanders campaign.
Personally, now that Warren seems to have been sufficiently put in the “shrill female” box, I am thinking Klobacher may be the only anti-Trump card the resistance can play.
Show me big daddy in the inimitable way of the Fish!
Sanders consistently beats Trump in matchup polls since 2016. Klobachar’s centrism would probably get a lower turnout than Hillary did.
I will support Bernie…but I have to trust history in knowing Sanders will be torn to shreds by the Media and Trump and everyone else so that come Election Day he will be a moist stain on history. Think George McGovern. A potentially great president but instead is known for the elites putting in place the bullshit primary system we have today just to prevent anything close to a possible change factor from entering the White House.