1. Where do I get my Bernie Sanders face mask to wear during the Covid-19 pandemic?

    1. It says “Bernie 2020” on it. I gonna get.

  2. In the coming contest between Oligarchic Corporatism (acting under the pseudonym of Democratic Capitalism) versus Democratic Socialism, may the Natural Persons push the Artificial Persons back into the colon it came from.

  3. Coming soon to a Megaplex near you, in Oligarch Land …. Super Bern vs the Craptocracy.

  4. How dare he imply that “we the people” have power!

    1. It’s worth taking time with the hundreds of hours of video out there on YouTube of Senator Sanders to memorize the responses to hundreds of questions. The change we desire of our country is a cultural/anthropological one, in that way that occasionally occurs when a society reinvents itself in a crisis to have values very different from before. There is no real reason billionaires must exist. And after they are gone we can that ceiling down to a lower level, as in, there is no real reason multi-millionaires must exist.

      Thank You Go-Fish

  5. this drawing rules

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