1. Pretty cool.
    I posted this to face ook and the leaves don’t show up.

    1. That is hilarious! Surprise! Yeah, I posted the non-leaf version to Facebook before I decided to add them. Cracks me up.

  2. I have never felt quite as alone as I have in my whole life, this March 15, 2020. Thanks for disguising porn inside your political commentary Fish. Can’t wait to see what you reveal next.

    The World on You Depends
    Our Life will Never End. [ Doors ]

  3. Disappointed, Dwayne, to see those fig (?) leaves ; I hadn’t realised you were such a prude…. 😉


    1. HA! I had the figures without fig leafs for a few hours but then realized, while walking the dog, that I should have a visual cue to indicate Adam and Eve a little more clearer.

    2. Yep, i think that is about how it happened.

  4. I go with the original BBC tv ending of Hitch hikers guide to the galaxy, Captain crash landed, sitting in a bath and the rest of the Phone sanitizers and hair dressers that had crash landed with him , wandering around here ..
    at least the basis for the ‘gay gene’ was traced..

    (other than the poop flinging primates that anthropology and science say are out ancestors..)

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