1. Peanut Gallery eloquent as hell today.

  2. An election organized by the Oligarchs, for the Oligarchs, and of the Oligarchs does not become democratic just because the Oligarchcracy let the little people select a name of an Oligarch on a ballot, one who has spent billions of dollars to become a celebrity, one who is well known for being well known.

    Democracy means rule by the people.

    Ruling means writing laws that are enforceable with the force of law.

    Laws are without enforcement are merely suggestions.

    What laws have been written by the demos?

    Not by the Democrats. I mean by the demos, the people.

    “We the People” has never meant the demos.

    Anyone who believes this is delusional.

    The writers of the Constitution wrote in seclusion from the demos, whom they deeply distrusted.

    If you want to go somewhere you first have to know where you are before making your plans.

  3. Some good news – Joe has a lead on some great paying jobs in Ukraine.

  4. I wish all the corporate sympathetic politicians would just go on a pleasure cruise and never come back. Just give them an island in the South Pacific and say goodbye. I’m so wasted from one more roller coaster ride, seeing thousands of similar minded people show up to huge Bernie Sander’s rallies that dwarfed all but Trump’s rallies, and then have to watch it get crushed when the DNC and the Democratic establishment had said, “ENOUGH!”

    I don’t know about you, but I am so fucking mad right now about this election year. I’m going to NOT vote this fall, just to spite the Democrat leadership. Fuck them. I’d actually rather have Trump, xenophobia and all, in the office over having a lying-two-faced-pony-soldier-digit-raped-her-and-what-a-son-of-a-fucking-goin-out-to-pasture-77-year-old-hide-up-in-the-basement-with-DNC-nothin-goin-to-change-son-of-no-medicare-for-all-MF.

    Fuck Joe Biden and his lies about cutting social services, and fuck Trump both, with the Lesser of Two Evils hard to judge.

    Thank you. I needed to get that off my shoulders. Now forget that bullshit. Going back to language studies and figuring out how to make a living in the time of collapsing jobs.

    1. But I’ll accept Cuomo because I don’t know nearly noth’in about his public record and he seems so very Presidential and more Ordinary-Joe during his exciting Corona news conferences he gives, where he says things like “Let’s not make this political. There’s nothing political now. This is a crisis. We are at war with a killer.” (paraphras’in).

  5. If Bernie wasn’t such a fucking gutless gimp, he would’ve formed a new third party and selected Tulsi as his VP running mate. Faced with those two and Bernie’s army of supporters, the two wings of the one fascist corporate war party would be shitting their pants. Unfortunately, Bernie and Tulsi are not as revolutionary as all that, and ultimately are subservient to the system they often criticize.

    1. Terrible idea. The movements Sanders has inspired have leverage to move a president Biden. Running third party throws it out the window. And what is with Tulsi’s appeal on the left? I do agree, nothing revolutionary about her, ever.

  6. Hospitals turn away heart attack victims because there is no space, medical workers do not have sufficient equipment, people getting sick and dying by the thousands, rents and mortgages going unpaid, businesses shuttering–often closing permanently, the economy grinds to a halt, masses literally going hungry, military ships affected with viral outbreaks, yet The People still resolutely will not allow the formation of a government that will serve their best interests. It’s like a person diagnosed with cancer who chooses a pack of cigarettes over treatment. You sort of have to admire the sheer suicidal drive. This may very be the sunset of the empire.

  7. Just in Donald doesn’t do a sufficient job of screwing it up for himself…..the Democratic party gives him a helping hand.

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