Let’s Drink a Toast!

I got my advance copies of NOBODY LEFT yesterday and the book looks beautiful! It may be the book I’m most proud of writing – full of lewdness, accusatory rants and high hilarity. The official release date remains at 6/23, but you can pre-order the thing from Fantagraphics at any point – fuck Amazon! Stay tuned for virtual events of promotion…Bottoms up!



  1. Cheers!

  2. MR. FISH 2020

  3. All original title is by violence.

    Money is the violence of diremption.

    Money is the symbolic representation of a conceptual object of belief held by those who facilitate exchange with it.

    The greatest theft of property is the theft of slaves from their independence.

    The greatest theft of property from Americans in the United States history may have been the post civil war theft from slave owners of their human property.

    Who mourns the failure of the 13th Amendment to abolish slavery? The states still reserve the right to themselves to own slaves and to lease them to those who may no longer legally own them.

    I am amused by the opposition to theft by people naively and innocently claiming rightful shares of ownership of the proceeds of greatest thefts in history, amused almost as much as by the “moral” opposition to civil violence within the world’s the greatest purveyor of violence in the world.

    The “lawful” evictions during the 2008 recession left homeless people in the streets and empty houses declining into uninhabitablity, all in the name of the “market discipline” imposed by the least disciplined masters of money.

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