NOBODY LEFT is here!

Mr. Fish is fed up – aren’t you?! Bullshit has corrupted both sides of the political aisle and the cultural mechanisms for asserting a course correction that has the best chance at giving us all a future maintained by collaborative humanitarianism over tribalism have been dismantled and nobody seems to know what to do about it. Where are the progressive ideals that at one time advanced the intellectual and artistic adventurism that demonstrated so soundly the inefficiencies of purely political and religious discourse when attempting to assess the true nature of the human experience? In NOBODY LEFT, Mr. Fish interviews famous radicals, progressives and cultural icons from the 1960s and 70s about the end of dissent, revolution and liberalism in America – he also draws some deeply personal and radically accusatory cartoons sure to stoke your rage and buoy your spirits and offend your mother. Buy the book from the publisher here or from Amazon (and leave a review) here. Dig it.
