1. I think Trump and Putin would love this cartoon! I just think it’s irrelevant, elitist, and condescending, giving too much power to the ruling class and dissing the power of people. We are seeing people rise up right now in order to remove Trump, the most dangerous President in United States’ history.

  2. Oh my god, it’s a sham? Democracy is a sham? Thanks, Fish. I’ll be eating a gun for dinner, mayo on the side.

    What’s so funny ‘bout peace love and understanding?

  3. “If voting changed anything, it would be illegal.”
    -Graffiti on street wall.

    1. Yeah, so just don’t go out and vote, everybody [eye roll].

      1. Yeah, keep voting for Coke/Pepsi and expect some kind of change. [eye roll].

  4. Do you really think, Dwayne, that a majority of US voters are going to see through the charade presented to them as US «democracy» ? I doubt it ; rather it’s only when starvation becomes a real alternative and the militarised police and the DHS are beating them all about the head that the veil will be removed….


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