Cowards one and all.. And please, people, stop telling me that we get the leaders we deserve. I call BS on that. We get the president and leaders the establishment gives us. And since the system couldn’t more rigged if it tried….we’re fucked. End of fucking story.
Jeff Beck
well, some sort of shit
Correctamundo. Dems in their hidey-holes now with lobbyists bringing them supplies.
Hhmmm….not sure i know how to take this, Fish. Damn you for your wordplay!
Cowards one and all.. And please, people, stop telling me that we get the leaders we deserve. I call BS on that. We get the president and leaders the establishment gives us. And since the system couldn’t more rigged if it tried….we’re fucked. End of fucking story.
well, some sort of shit
Correctamundo. Dems in their hidey-holes now with lobbyists bringing them supplies.
Hhmmm….not sure i know how to take this, Fish. Damn you for your wordplay!