
    Jabba the Hutt was one of the galaxy’s most powerful gangsters, with far-reaching influence in both politics and the criminal underworld. There were no second chances with Jabba, something Han Solo would find out — though the slug-like alien would ultimately fall victim to his own hubris and vengeful ways.

  2. The Killer in. In Chief and his megalomania are more dangerous than ever before. Fortunately for him if he falls all the kings men from Walter Reed will put his white supremacy shell back together again. And fuck everybody else.

    If he were a brown egg, well, he would just ooze out killing just those prisoners being paid 2 bucks an hour to put him in a mobile morgue.

  3. Donald John Trump as Richard III and Joseph Robinette Biden as Henry Tudor ? Tragedy repeating itself as farce….


  4. Mr. Fish, are you sure that the brick wall is high enough to get the job done? Remember a simple crack will not suffice and we don’t really know what’s inside the shell. Please consider adding a dozen or so more courses of brick to ensure a satisfactory landing. We’ll be waiting at the bottom to clean up the debris. 😉

  5. . . . . and, after the fall, gives the phrase “Walking on eggshells” a whole different meaning.

    and when asked, over 70 million voters were sure he did in fact build the wall and Mexico paid for it. Well, didn’t he?

  6. Word! So Cracked!

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