1. He’s very busy silently killing black, brown and Native Americans by doing absolutely nothing about covid. This is a silent killing of those he finds distasteful. Let’s see what is that called. Ummmmm, the final solution, ethnic cleansing? Pick your fav, but Republican states are in for a world of hurt from our mime in chief’s lame duck next two months. Be scared be very scared.

    What’s so funny with peace love and understanding?

  2. Awwww. We broke his heart.

  3. If only, Dwayne ! I fear, however, we shall continue to see quite a bit of Mr Trump even after 20 January 2021 – he represents your country so well….


    1. If he represented the country so well he would be preparing for a second term. More voters than ever rejected his representation and he will become that “thing” in the garbage bin that prompts one to exclaim, “EEEEEEWWWWW, what is that? Get it out of here.”

  4. excellent

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