1. Poor elephant, if you reverse the image it’s actually sucking Trump back inside never to be seen again except by the whirlwind of judges who finally hold him accountable. (That’s in my dreams of course) IMPEACHMENT NOW! Even though that is so ridiculous at this stage of his reign. FUCK FUCK FUCK TRUMP.

  2. Good observation Harri. It started me thinking once again about the greatest and unanswerable (as of now) questions regarding our existence; Who are we and why are we hear? Bueller? Bueller? Anybody? For my part I have adopted many beliefs over my lifetime, but to be honest none that I truly believed 100%, hook, line, and bullshit. There was always that little bit of doubt ping-ponging around my skull saying, “Nope, that can’t be right either.” Organized religion and creation never made it to Final Jeopardy and were eliminated from competition with a total of -$Infinity, and of course a parting gift, the home version of “What da Fuck?” Whenever I was out enjoying Nature I would always muse that there had to be something that caused all this, but still not a Creator. My search for something to believe has endured for years from an Occom’s Razor rational. Simply stated we crawled out of the sea and evolved into a skinbag full of stuff that keeps us alive for a zeptosecond then we disintegrate and become fertilizer for other more meaningful organisms . Move along folks, nothing to see here. One that I like and keep coming back to is the SIM Universe idea. Somewhere something is playing the game of constructing a Universe and trying to keep it existing.

    Which bring me to my latest conclusion and it’s even simpler than Occom’s Razor. The other day while watching Trump Ass Wipes bring democracy to Washington, D.C. I remembered President Walking Talking Shitbag’s Inauguration Day and his words when he proclaimed, “The carnage stops here and now!” Rather convincingly.

    Well Harri´s comment made me think about beginnings and endings and how so many seem to be so ironic. I don’t believe in coincidences either. So I have now concluded that Something is just plain fucking with us. That’s it. Nothing more, nothing less. Something is taking great delight in fucking with our brains and laughing its whatever off while we take everything so seriously and continue to try find the meaning of our existence. Like a stupid fucking Guinea Pig on an exercise wheel running in place thinking it’s going to break out of its confinement. If I ever get my hands on those fuckers I’m gonna beat the piss or whatever they excrete out of them.

  3. This could be seen at least two ways. About five years ago the elephant would’ve been giving birth in it. Now it shows a constipated animal in pain.

  4. Please Mr. Fish, the patriotic work that you produce over the next few days will be the most important of your career. Please gather every bit of your creative and artistic talent and place these shocking events in American history into the proper context as you and only you are capable of doing. Thank you Mr. Fish I have not the slightest doubt that you will rise to the heights of creativity and patriotism that these events demand.

    1. He’s only one man. A good one, a talented and brilliant one, but just the one Fish, there is no two Fish to help in the fight. Unless of course you’re actively working toward a sane America yourself.

  5. Dear Mr. President Trump,

    Please give me a Presidential Pardon me the Capitol Hill Insurrection. I wasn’t even there. That picture was dubbed. The voice was generated like a million ballots for Biden in the Steal the Election.

    Thank you, (including my name and phone number (also my ss#) for reference)
    J o e – R e d – N e c k
    5 6 3 – 7 3 3 – 6 3 2 5

  6. Wow. I’m laughing. It’s just so good. How you do that?

  7. You are too kind Mr. Fish. He doesn’t deserve such a flattering image. Please show him for what he really is. Please. Dig down into the depths of that brilliant creative brain of yours and find an adequate rendering of the biggest scumbag shit sack to slime his way around the planet. Please?

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