1. Mr. Fish, I am always tempted to say this one is the absolute best, then you publish another absolute best, but I can never really decide is the newest the absolute best or that other one? Maybe the one from last week, yeah, that was definitely the abso, yeah but remember that one from a month ago, it was surely the . . . . . and on and on I go. How good is an artist when everything they publish is the absolute best? I think your fans know. I’ve loved one panel cartooning my whole life and there have been and still are many good artists in the one panel field. You are the best.

    And referring to “Eternal Damn Nation 2021” shouldn’t we just stop, just stop saying “This is not who we are.” When do we face the mirror look that reflection in the eyes and say, “Yes, this is indeed who we are.” And don’t expect any drastic changes come January 20, 2021.
    Same shit, different POTUS. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.

    1. I don’t have the words…

      1. Well once your pointed blade (or drawing implement) pierces the racist, nationalistic, hypocritical, white supremacist, war mongering, thin skin of the American Fascist Cultural and punctures what passes for a heart, your words when added, are the final twist on the handle that cause the the eyes to bulge and silently admit it’s dying.

        Your words are the coup de grace of your work Mr. Fish and you use them with timely and expert precision.

        I can imagine any member of the DC Insurrection if confronted with one of your pieces and asked to interpret it would scrunch up their face into a puzzled expression, do the monkey scratching his head gesture and finally say, “I don’t know, but it looks like some Communists, Socialist, Liberal, propacandy. Let’s burn it.”

        Maybe if shown the Republican elephant taking a Trump Turd would say proudly, “Oh yeah, I know whad at one means. At’s when Trump was nominamated at that Republican thing. Yeah, at’s ‘sa good un!” “Oh yeah, I kicked the shit outta one ‘o them Black Lives Doesn’t Matter protesters at that thang.” : – ) “Hey ja git that? Black Lives Doesn’t Matter? Thought at one up ma damn self!!”

      2. Well once your pointed blade (or drawing implement) pierces the racist, nationalistic, hypocritical, white supremacist, war mongering, thin skin of the American Fascist Cultural and punctures what passes for a heart, your words when added, are the final twist on the handle that cause the the eyes to bulge and silently admit it’s dying.

        Your words are the coup de grace of your work Mr. Fish and you use them with timely and expert precision.

        I can imagine any member of the DC Insurrection if confronted with one of your pieces and asked to interpret it would scrunch up their face into a puzzled expression, do the monkey scratching his head gesture and finally say, “I don’t know, but it looks like some Communists, Socialist, Liberal, propacandy. Let’s burn it.”

        Maybe if shown the Republican elephant taking a Trump Turd would say proudly, “Oh yeah, I know what that one means. That’s when Trump was nominated at that Republican thing. Yeah, that’s ‘sa good un!” “Oh yeah, I kicked da shit outta one ‘o them Black Lives Doesn’t Matter protesters at that thang.” “Ya like at? Black Lives Doesn’t Matter. Thought at un up ma damn self.”

  2. you are a true honourable in conclusion of truth and artistic communication. this is a masterpiece in ability, dialogue, message and above all honest representation of that inhumane racist fuckwit!!!

  3. Legend.

  4. Wow.

  5. I am a history teacher and have always been deeply moved by Guernica. This is a fantastic adaptation. I am no artist, I only know that I truly appreciate this that you have created.
    Thank you.

    1. Brilliant observation, Professor. You’ll find if you follow Mr. Fish consistently that his work will always amaze, surprise, shock and be spot on! He is the most remarkable artist and the single most outspoken political cartoonist of his time. And yes, this piece depicting Guernica is genius.

      What’s so funny ‘bout peace love and understanding?

  6. Airily claustrophobic. Oh, sure Klee, Sandinsky, Dali, Klimt and others did it first, but must you steal my style too? (As if I come close ha!) Gorgeous piece, well done, and probably the one that will be hanging on my wall very soon. Simple madness.

    Stay indoors, everybody, at all costs on the 20th. The Weimar Republicans are not finished with their mission.

    “History repeats the same deceits, the glib replies, the same defeats.” Elvis Costello

    1. Oh, right and that Pablo dude! I really love it. Need a publicist? Ha?

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