1. Overwhelmed!

  2. Fish, your art is amazing. And I wished we could do something to make the life of a rebel more bearable. I too find myself wondering, what is the meaning of life except for money, and just feeding the hole on top so that it continues to come out the other end a few more decades.

    I think of this, adapted, from The Hurt Locker

    Master Sergeant : You the guy in the home art studio?
    Some Fan: Uh, no, that would be him over there.
    Master Sergeant : You the guy with the colored pencils, Mr. Fish?
    Mr Fish: Uh, yes sir.
    Master Sergeant: Well, that’s just hot shit. Your a wild man, you know that? He’s a wild man, you know that? I want to shake your hand.
    Mr. Fish: Thank you sir.
    Master Sergeant: How many cartoons have you exploded in other’s minds?
    Mr. Fish: Uh, I’m not quite sure.
    Master Sergeant: MR FISH!
    Mr. Fish: Yes sir
    Master Sergeant: I asked you a question.
    Mr. Fish: 8 thousand 3 hundred and eighty four sir
    Master Sergeant: 8 thousand, 3 hundred and eighty four! That’s just hot shit. 8 thousand, 3 hundred and eighty four.
    Mr. Fish: Counting today, sir, yes sir.
    Master Sergeant: That’s got to be a record.
    Mr. Fish: Shrug
    Master Sergeant: Fish, what’s the best way to go about exploding a cartoon in another’s mind?
    Mr. Fish: The way you don’t end up broke sir.
    Master Sergeant: That’s a good one. That’s spoken just like a wild man.

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