Please don’t look there! You know. Right? Don’t look there!
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Ok, it’s true, New Hampshire primary, at a about 4 days after the primary, Sanders and Buttigieg were tied. Now they weren’t tied in a normal fashion, as you know. The proportion was amazing. It was equivalent to 25000 people standing in a room, with 12,499 standing on the Sanders’ side, and 12,501 standing on the Buttigieg side. That reflects the closeness of the results precisely. And what does that mean?
I know what you are thinking. Rigged Election! But if that was rigged, through the DNC and hiring a company to create an app that wasn’t ready, and other shannigans (spelling?), …….., well, if that was rigged, then maybe things were rigged in the November General Election too.
Easy. No problem. We got this. The election wasn’t rigged!! Prove it!! Show me the ballot boxes that were stuffed! Show me how it was done, you stupid back-ass green-back horse-back horn-back honky-tack Redneck!!
Famous Actor who Sends Kid to Some Boarding School
Very nice. If you train the horse right, it will obey. Teach a young person to ride a horse, and they will keep it with them for their life. If you are rich, buy a horse for your son or daughter to tame at around 16 years of age. Never will they forget it.
the democratic Party is a private entity, its elections and especially caucuses, are not run the same as the State run election.
Take Down Capital, …
and I Take Down Capitol!
Famous Actor
Very Nice!
Ode To Power
We believe in one Currency, the Father, the Almighty, Maker of heaven, earth and all resource extraction, of all that is seen and unseen.
We believe in one Lord, the only Son of Power, eternally begotten of the Father; Power from Power, Light from Light, true Power from true Power; begotten not made, one in being with the Father.
Through It, the Power, all things were made. For us elites and for our salvation, Power came down from heaven.
By the Power of the Holy Spirit, Sons of Power were born of the Virgin Mary and became riders of men.
For our sake, power was crucified under Pilate Punch-es. He suffered, died, and was buried. On the third day Power rose again, in
fulfillment of the writings of Adam Smith. Power ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
Power will come again in glory to judge the living and the suicided, and Power’s kingdom will have no end.
We believe in the Holy Spirit of Money, the Lord, the Giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son.
With the Father and the Son, Power is worshipped and glorified. He has spoken through the Chicago Boys, and all other followers of Harvard economists.
We believe in one, holy, catholic, and apostolic London center of finance. We acknowledge one dunk for the forgiveness of theft. We look for the resurrection after recession, or depression, and the life of the world to come.
Right On!
Chicago Economist
To Each His Own, And to Those Who Haven’t… Get A Friend!
Take Down Capital, …
and I Take Down Capitol!
Religious, Right?
Exactly. Why not just accept it. Your sins will burn you.
Hedging Funding Fun Guy
Game Stop Funny? You will see the double edge sooner than I will see a 4 billion dollar loss. Try it. Go ahead, try it.
Famous Actor who Sends Kid to Some Boarding School
Very nice. If you train the horse right, it will obey. Teach a young person to ride a horse, and they will keep it with them for their life. If you are rich, buy a horse for your son or daughter to tame at around 16 years of age. Never will they forget it.
Famous Actor who Sends Kid to Some Boarding School
But Break the Horse First. Nicely, Gently, break it!!!
Actor Continued
just to be clear, your son or daughter must experience breaking themselves, at that age, to continue the Power.
Don’t stop at discovery, move on immediately to the next discovery, so that someone else can use what you just made for destruction.
Got Bachelor's Degree?
Please don’t look there! You know. Right? Don’t look there!
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Ok, it’s true, New Hampshire primary, at a about 4 days after the primary, Sanders and Buttigieg were tied. Now they weren’t tied in a normal fashion, as you know. The proportion was amazing. It was equivalent to 25000 people standing in a room, with 12,499 standing on the Sanders’ side, and 12,501 standing on the Buttigieg side. That reflects the closeness of the results precisely. And what does that mean?
I know what you are thinking. Rigged Election! But if that was rigged, through the DNC and hiring a company to create an app that wasn’t ready, and other shannigans (spelling?), …….., well, if that was rigged, then maybe things were rigged in the November General Election too.
Easy. No problem. We got this. The election wasn’t rigged!! Prove it!! Show me the ballot boxes that were stuffed! Show me how it was done, you stupid back-ass green-back horse-back horn-back honky-tack Redneck!!
All Other Forms of Illegitimate Power - Silent On This One
Who’s My Neighbor?
You My Neighbor?
Let Me See Your Wallet First!
Let Me See Your Swagger
Let Me See Your Car
Let Me See Your Ways.
Then maybe you can see my help.
Otherwise, you’re like a homeless person on the street.
Not my Problem.
The future is female. Watch us work!
Go Fish!
How Many?
Black and Blue,
And White-y All Over,
One to be abused.
Four to Screw It In.
Go Fish!
Oh that’s an awful thought. I don’t mean it’s ok. It’s awful. But Fish captures the power of shock, of course.
your latest artistic imagery is as provocative as always and such a true reflection of the westerns dabillitating failures man you have talent mr fish u r a true honourable amongst human kind.
a wise man once stated to me these words of truth……
If women ruled the world we would live in a much better and equal world. ….. HC
Please don’t look there! You know. Right? Don’t look there!
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Ok, it’s true, New Hampshire primary, at a about 4 days after the primary, Sanders and Buttigieg were tied. Now they weren’t tied in a normal fashion, as you know. The proportion was amazing. It was equivalent to 25000 people standing in a room, with 12,499 standing on the Sanders’ side, and 12,501 standing on the Buttigieg side. That reflects the closeness of the results precisely. And what does that mean?
I know what you are thinking. Rigged Election! But if that was rigged, through the DNC and hiring a company to create an app that wasn’t ready, and other shannigans (spelling?), …….., well, if that was rigged, then maybe things were rigged in the November General Election too.
Easy. No problem. We got this. The election wasn’t rigged!! Prove it!! Show me the ballot boxes that were stuffed! Show me how it was done, you stupid back-ass green-back horse-back horn-back honky-tack Redneck!!
Very nice. If you train the horse right, it will obey. Teach a young person to ride a horse, and they will keep it with them for their life. If you are rich, buy a horse for your son or daughter to tame at around 16 years of age. Never will they forget it.
the democratic Party is a private entity, its elections and especially caucuses, are not run the same as the State run election.
Take Down Capital, …
and I Take Down Capitol!
Very Nice!
We believe in one Currency, the Father, the Almighty, Maker of heaven, earth and all resource extraction, of all that is seen and unseen.
We believe in one Lord, the only Son of Power, eternally begotten of the Father; Power from Power, Light from Light, true Power from true Power; begotten not made, one in being with the Father.
Through It, the Power, all things were made. For us elites and for our salvation, Power came down from heaven.
By the Power of the Holy Spirit, Sons of Power were born of the Virgin Mary and became riders of men.
For our sake, power was crucified under Pilate Punch-es. He suffered, died, and was buried. On the third day Power rose again, in
fulfillment of the writings of Adam Smith. Power ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
Power will come again in glory to judge the living and the suicided, and Power’s kingdom will have no end.
We believe in the Holy Spirit of Money, the Lord, the Giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son.
With the Father and the Son, Power is worshipped and glorified. He has spoken through the Chicago Boys, and all other followers of Harvard economists.
We believe in one, holy, catholic, and apostolic London center of finance. We acknowledge one dunk for the forgiveness of theft. We look for the resurrection after recession, or depression, and the life of the world to come.
Right On!
To Each His Own, And to Those Who Haven’t… Get A Friend!
Take Down Capital, …
and I Take Down Capitol!
Exactly. Why not just accept it. Your sins will burn you.
Game Stop Funny? You will see the double edge sooner than I will see a 4 billion dollar loss. Try it. Go ahead, try it.
Very nice. If you train the horse right, it will obey. Teach a young person to ride a horse, and they will keep it with them for their life. If you are rich, buy a horse for your son or daughter to tame at around 16 years of age. Never will they forget it.
But Break the Horse First. Nicely, Gently, break it!!!
just to be clear, your son or daughter must experience breaking themselves, at that age, to continue the Power.
Don’t stop at discovery, move on immediately to the next discovery, so that someone else can use what you just made for destruction.
Please don’t look there! You know. Right? Don’t look there!
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Ok, it’s true, New Hampshire primary, at a about 4 days after the primary, Sanders and Buttigieg were tied. Now they weren’t tied in a normal fashion, as you know. The proportion was amazing. It was equivalent to 25000 people standing in a room, with 12,499 standing on the Sanders’ side, and 12,501 standing on the Buttigieg side. That reflects the closeness of the results precisely. And what does that mean?
I know what you are thinking. Rigged Election! But if that was rigged, through the DNC and hiring a company to create an app that wasn’t ready, and other shannigans (spelling?), …….., well, if that was rigged, then maybe things were rigged in the November General Election too.
Easy. No problem. We got this. The election wasn’t rigged!! Prove it!! Show me the ballot boxes that were stuffed! Show me how it was done, you stupid back-ass green-back horse-back horn-back honky-tack Redneck!!
Who’s My Neighbor?
You My Neighbor?
Let Me See Your Wallet First!
Let Me See Your Swagger
Let Me See Your Car
Let Me See Your Ways.
Then maybe you can see my help.
Otherwise, you’re like a homeless person on the street.
Not my Problem.
The future is female. Watch us work!
How Many?
Black and Blue,
And White-y All Over,
One to be abused.
Four to Screw It In.
Oh that’s an awful thought. I don’t mean it’s ok. It’s awful. But Fish captures the power of shock, of course.
Dolphins. Everybody likes dolphins.
i love dolphins and their flippers !-)
your latest artistic imagery is as provocative as always and such a true reflection of the westerns dabillitating failures man you have talent mr fish u r a true honourable amongst human kind.
a wise man once stated to me these words of truth……
If women ruled the world we would live in a much better and equal world. ….. HC