1. You know, this is more fair. All those other portraits of him we’re very unkind. It’s ok. He was never my president, but it’s nice to see you portray him more kindly.

    Did you notice that your choice of white skin and wrinkles reveals this guy has a biological condition. Clearly he is missing a gallbladder or something. He probably drank too much. He might be nearing dialysis. He’ll probably be able to buy a stolen kidney from an intermediary, a dealer, who got it from some poor guy in a country where Trump’s investments make slave labor possible. But he appears from this cartoon that he’s just a few years from triple by-pass surgery. And his dying bedside friends and family, with Rolex watches and Gucci bags, are assholes.

    I mean, I hope he is broke and sick soon.

    It’s so nice to see you light-en up on him. Let him be. He’s retired.

    1. “And his dying bedside friends and family”
      Family? Maybe. Depends if they’re certain their names are in the will and for what. If any were to show up it would be to carefully to remove the Rolex from the dying prick’s limp wrist.
      Friends? LOL, that’s a hoot. Name one?

      1. I hope you are right. 🙂

  2. Trump is wondering what he’s looking at because somebody always read these things to him before; somebody from Fox News.

  3. Feed your fat face on some KFC, you rat fuck, and may you be plucked like a chicken feather into a special circle of hell just for malignant narcissistic personalities allowed to have any power.

  4. It’s actually a pretty good portrait of the old FĂĽrer… What’s missing is the GOP in the background as the wallpaper he shits with/on.

    1. But what’s beautiful is he’s holding the report sideways.

      Feed your fat face on some KFC, you rat fuck, and may you be plucked like a chicken feather into a special circle of hell just for malignant narcissistic personalities allowed to have any power. Nazi shit head.

      1. I don’t know how my comment ended up in two places, maybe it was worth repeating or maybe, as Fish well knows, I’m too, ummmmm, “challenged” to understand this whole interweb thing.

    2. I hope your right Vic. 🙂

  5. Hmmmm? Yeah, that about sums up what the brief contains but with the absence of pictures, illustrations, and words of 5 to 7 letters max, he actually has no idea what it means and fondly reflects on the days when he didn’t even have to look at those things. Really only searching to see how many times he can find the character string T R U M P

    1. I’m sure his attention span lapsed when he hit the word ‘Florida’… gotta go golf

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