1. republicans = fuckin racist cuntz that obscure the right and wrong, their fuckin wrong, in your society. the more you deliberate this the more you legitimise their nano view on our kind. so fight it or say fuck it and accept your twisted racist society. and by the way you southern hicks lynching is not a right of passage its MURDER u thick cuntz!!!!!!

    1. What is the differences between Biden and Trump. If you are as well informed as you sound to be, there is zero difference at all. This country needs a third or even fourth party to equal the plating field. And they’re all cunts. On that and most of what you said I agree with. Bit you can’t blame just Republicans which I believe is the point of Fish’s political statement here.

      What’s so funny ‘bout, peace, love and understanding?

  2. This country is doing a fine job of tearing itself apart with one race hating the other more than the next. And that pretty much sums up the history our superb, elitist, $7.50 and hour fuck fest of a Democracy.

    What’s so funny ‘bout peace love and understanding?

    1. Fuck typos, you all know what I meant.

  3. When my Lord and Savior returns, there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Look left. Look right. One will look and his brother be gone. But those left behind will regret that day forever and ever. Amen.

    Joke. Just joke. Fun.

    1. “And it does not much displease me
      To be told that at seven tomorrow morning
      An Angel of Justice will appear,
      And that he will clean up people’s messes for them—
      Because if he is, and he does, he’ll be more apt
      To rub their lousy snouts in it.”

      Kenneth Patchen, “One Who Hopes”

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