Thanks, Marcia. It’s comments like this that make the cultural wilderness much less yowling and dismissive of what I try to do. I raise my coffee cup to your kindness and so appreciate your company in the never-ending struggle to continue giving a shit about everything and everybody all at once. Onward!
Marcia Prophet
Addendum to my comment. Could this be a plea to step beyond the paralysis of rage and despair–and to literally “find a reason” to stop sitting around and to get involved, to participate? 🤔
Thanks again, Fish.
Marcia Prophet
Cognitive dissonance encapsulated in one brilliant word puzzle cartoon! Pure genius!
This cartoon captured:
1) the truth: We ARE fucked.
2) the myth of America, the patriotic jingoism, the lofty terms hollowed out by corporations & neoliberal corporate capitalist propaganda. You hear them everywhere, but they are nowhere to be found.
3) the blindness, ignorance, indifference, cruelty of most (MOST?!?!) Americans, which constitutes support for the humonsters-of-greed-and-evil-stupidity in their race to extinction.
4) the futility and frustration of those of us who understand what is happening. There is no pleasure in our knowledge; but without that knowledge, we have NO HOPE AT ALL. So, we cling to truth, to our humanity, and to our courage. Our puny fists still held high as our hope dims.
5) the POWER of humor in the face of overwhelming terrors, suffering, and death. It’s hard to live in this shitshow world; it’s hard to face the infinity-bad things happening. And yet, it’s not possible to turn away even when we can feel meaning, goodwill, our humanity, and hope drying up.
Mr. Fish’s toons are an antidote to despair. Truth DOES matter! Life and Love and Democracy matter! There are many who understand, who are resisting, who are fighting for a better world and future for us all. And, not least of all, Mr. Fish’s toons make me LAUGH! REALLY LAUGH. Day after day; year after year.And that is a game-changer.
Nice Exchange Marcia and Mr Fish
Thanks, Marcia. It’s comments like this that make the cultural wilderness much less yowling and dismissive of what I try to do. I raise my coffee cup to your kindness and so appreciate your company in the never-ending struggle to continue giving a shit about everything and everybody all at once. Onward!
Addendum to my comment. Could this be a plea to step beyond the paralysis of rage and despair–and to literally “find a reason” to stop sitting around and to get involved, to participate? 🤔
Thanks again, Fish.
Cognitive dissonance encapsulated in one brilliant word puzzle cartoon! Pure genius!
This cartoon captured:
1) the truth: We ARE fucked.
2) the myth of America, the patriotic jingoism, the lofty terms hollowed out by corporations & neoliberal corporate capitalist propaganda. You hear them everywhere, but they are nowhere to be found.
3) the blindness, ignorance, indifference, cruelty of most (MOST?!?!) Americans, which constitutes support for the humonsters-of-greed-and-evil-stupidity in their race to extinction.
4) the futility and frustration of those of us who understand what is happening. There is no pleasure in our knowledge; but without that knowledge, we have NO HOPE AT ALL. So, we cling to truth, to our humanity, and to our courage. Our puny fists still held high as our hope dims.
5) the POWER of humor in the face of overwhelming terrors, suffering, and death. It’s hard to live in this shitshow world; it’s hard to face the infinity-bad things happening. And yet, it’s not possible to turn away even when we can feel meaning, goodwill, our humanity, and hope drying up.
Mr. Fish’s toons are an antidote to despair. Truth DOES matter! Life and Love and Democracy matter! There are many who understand, who are resisting, who are fighting for a better world and future for us all. And, not least of all, Mr. Fish’s toons make me LAUGH! REALLY LAUGH. Day after day; year after year.And that is a game-changer.
Thank you, Mr. Fish!