1. Had to comment here too, as well as Patreon. I really don’t know which is cuter, it’s either Mini-Putin’s obviously huge and angry balls or the glorious Gorilla cuddling her baby. Well. And just the whole war thing is fun too. I am hoping that the bear is a Ukraine war hero. I think he’s got himself a really puny lunch to tear to shreds to bring to the starving Ukrainians. What’s so funny ‘bout peace love and mass graves?

    1. Please forgive me. I am kinda sick, like real sick not mental health sick. Okay yeah that too. Don’t judge me! So yeah I commented on the wrong piece Sue me.

      Or your fans could become a Patron for much much less then the PBS mug they paid way too much for just to watch Masterpiece Theater.

      You do know you could get the exact mug for a buck at a thrift store.

      Mt.Fish only charged me a reasonable fee for linking to his beautiful piece Incorrect though it was.

      Like you’ve never made a mistake. Back off, I am really moody.

  2. The BS, it flows in torrents, religion has had it’s day and we are all still here.

  3. BRILLIANT! And for those who don’t get this… you’re probably a B-I-G part of our problem.

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