1. Your fucked up Linda #1. You baby killers always blame the rape/incest card. If women would learn their place in the world, the issue would disappear.

    1. Hahahahahahaha! Thanks for the laughter, Ken.

  2. Your fucked up Linda #1

  3. I love you more than I can say…how about this? Men can no longer get any kind of erection pill. If they want their oh so delicate wives to not give birth, get a vasectomy. Hmmmm, that’s my damed point here. If women have limited rights that are absolutely abhorrent, then men should be strictly dictated to as to what to do with their dicks.

    I thought I could not despise this country of (freedom), which is a joke being played on the thinkers in this 3rd world country. The rest of the world, and rightly so, is laughing their asses off.

    Thank the universe I am too old to bear children. But having done so in my 20’s after a violent rape, I could go to ParentPlanned and get nonjudgmental care. And that’s wrong? FUCK THAT RELIGIOUS ASSHOLES, Guess what you will die too. There is no heaven for you, or any heaven, but there is a special circle of hell waiting for you, how do I.know? I made it myself and you WILL SUFFER FOR YOUR MAKE BELIEVE ETERNITY. IDIOTS! ONE ABORTION AT A TIME WHILE BEING RAPED. ENJOY!

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