Anti-Semite-1: “Hey friend, guess what? The Nazi and Genocide words are sticking. Can you believe it?”
Anti-Semite-2: “I’m shocked really! Think back to the times when states in the US passed laws saying if you supported BDS on a university campus, you were being one of us, “an anti-semite”. Remember how that was sticking about 10 years ago. How times have changed! It’s been a long fought campaign to bring the crimes of Israel against the Palestinians to allow worldwide hatred of Israel and the Jews. The UN is almost unanimous on this. We have the recent win of South Africa in the world of public opinion. We are definitely winning this now. I can’t even understand it, but the bloodied baby corpses in rubble being blasted over the air waves regularly, and tanks rolling through streets with children and mothers starting. And cartoonists picking things up. And we’ve got Chris Hedges using the words Genocide and Nazis about 5 times in every column they do twice a week on Scheerpost. Who would have dreamed a day like today when the NY TImes would be running articles nearly constantly condemning Bibi and his gang. Israel is a pariah now. It’s really like a 180 degree turn in the US, and beyond.”
Anti-Semite-1: “I agree. We were looking for sympathy and a winning game, and instead we hit the jackpot in worldwide support. It really does seem like a golden time for our side. There is only one problem.”
Anti-Semite-2: “What’s that?”
Anti-Semite-1: “I anticipate a small problem in making the Gazans out to be Warsaw Jews of the ghettos of 1943 when they flood the border of Rafah into Egypt. Some of these ideas might be hard to make stick”
Anti-Semite-2: “Why?”
Anti-Semite-1: “Well, there will still be horrible misery, as Egpyt and others are unlikely to want to feed and clothe and house the millions that will flood in. And between us both, the Israelis are committing monstrous acts. But how do we paint, even by numbers, the Egyptians as somehow either very different from the Israelis, or effectively calling them both Nazis? It has complications. ”
Anti-Semite-1: “Are you saying our use of the terms Genocide and Nazis might not be working?”
Anti-Semite-2: “Look, you and I and a hoard of our friends will find a way to cross that border when it comes. We always find new ways to make this work. Let’s continue with the language and we can figure out a new plan when it stops working. People have short memories anyways. 40% of the younger generation of Americans don’t even believe the Holocaust happened for God’s sake.”
Always nice to get a message from a mindless and soulless ‘bot incapable of coherent thought.
@Gerard Except that Israel is a Euro-colony designed to be a Sparta-state to keep the Middle East in line with US foreign policy. It has nothing to do with Judaism and was never about that. That Hamas et al are not against Jews per se, rather their occupiers. Had they Peruvians, Swiss, or whatever other ethnic group forcibly stole land and bomb and gunpoint and then murdered and humiliated and oppressed the indigenous population, the net result would be the same. Palestinians have every right to resist their occupiers. If you do not like it, take up the issue who have multiple resolutions on this topic including 242. As long as Israel occupies, they are on borrowed land and time. Israel designed the situation the way it is and are up there amongst the most vile regimes as are the populace who aids and abets ongoing crimes and teh criminals who fund them.
Give me some slack here, because I am not a intellectual or journalist, or well educated in the history of genocides, but I think the word genocide reserved for Israel at this time, post Oct 7, is an anti-Semitic trope in the context of the war Israel has waged on Hamas and the Palestinians (even if used by the UN, a traditionally pro-rights, pro-Israeli organization) because genocide is reserved for wars (masacres really, as in the Ottoman Empire massacre (Turks against the Armenians), or the Nazi elimination of Jews in concentration camps, in which the victims are being systematically eliminated to cleanse the population of that group when it poses no existential crisis except for the culture it presents to the opposing side. Nazi playbook is another such anti-Semitic trope. Hedges uses both of these words/phrases repeatedly, because, like Hamas and others, his playbook is that of the many 100’s of millions of Muslims in the world who would have the Jewish nation, with it’s 100 nuclear tipped warheads and of 20 million not exist in the region just north of Saudi Arabia and Egypt, and south of Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran, (geography needs work) and the support of the US and Western Allies.
Yes, I love Hedges for his passion and work in prisons, and demand for a Palestinian state and so forth, but he needs to distance himself from Hamas (he claims to have had a deep relationship with leaders, eating at their homes, etc), and distance himself from anti-Semitic tropes.
Fish could do the same to save his soul.
It’s a war of 2 different religious groups, one with a history of others trying to eliminate them, namely the Jews (think of Holocaust and the stated aims of Jihadists).
We have language to help us, not to confuse us. Unless your playbook is one of revenge.
Yes, it’s awful what Israel has done to Palestinians since 1948. It’s not genocide.
“It’s a war of 2 different religious groups, one with a history of others trying to eliminate them, namely the Jews (think of Holocaust and the stated aims of Jihadists).” <—– That is not so. If it were any group that colonized the space, the indigenous populace would want them out just the same. It just happens to be European colonists who call themselves "Jews" and commit atrocities in the name of Judaism You have European settlers who call themselves Jews take this space by force and systemically wholesale murder the populace for land. Of fucking course the locals want them out. Your tired game of calling resistance against colonialism "anti-Semetic" is ludicrous. Get a clue. Enough with your red herrings.
You rob and murder and when the robbed fight back you scream, "YOU ARE FIGHTING ME BECAUSE YOU HATE JEWS!!!", no you are being fought because you are fucking criminals committing mass crimes. Of course the victims will struggle.
I was giving your, “It’s not genocide” comment some thought. Say the situation was reversed, Palestinians herded Israelis into fenced and walled territories with guard towers, razor fances, and security checkpoints. Say Palestinians did targetted assassinations of Israeli officials with lots of collateral damage”. I mean lots. Denied Israelis the right to build schools, hospitals, or plant a tree without leave of the Palestinian authority. That Israelis were denied travel and commerce. That the blocked populace were habitually dissapeared, children by the hundreds tossed into prisons, people rounded up and tortured or just executed. If the Israelis peacefully protested, they would get live sniper fire. That children would habitually get targeted. Every few years the Palestinians would do a purge and kill thousands of Israelis who really did not like these conditions. Then, the Palestinians go on a nice purge where they kill 30, 000 +, 70% women and children, (so far), deny access to food and water, destroy every school and hospital and town by town, city by city, blast everything to rubble. If this happened to Israelis, without doubt, they would cal it “genocide”. So, let us get real here. You @Gerard, are a genocide apologist. ‘If we do it, it is not genocide. If others do it, GENOCIDE!!! HELP!!!’
Anti-Semite-1: “Hey friend, guess what? The Nazi and Genocide words are sticking. Can you believe it?”
Anti-Semite-2: “I’m shocked really! Think back to the times when states in the US passed laws saying if you supported BDS on a university campus, you were being one of us, “an anti-semite”. Remember how that was sticking about 10 years ago. How times have changed! It’s been a long fought campaign to bring the crimes of Israel against the Palestinians to allow worldwide hatred of Israel and the Jews. The UN is almost unanimous on this. We have the recent win of South Africa in the world of public opinion. We are definitely winning this now. I can’t even understand it, but the bloodied baby corpses in rubble being blasted over the air waves regularly, and tanks rolling through streets with children and mothers starting. And cartoonists picking things up. And we’ve got Chris Hedges using the words Genocide and Nazis about 5 times in every column they do twice a week on Scheerpost. Who would have dreamed a day like today when the NY TImes would be running articles nearly constantly condemning Bibi and his gang. Israel is a pariah now. It’s really like a 180 degree turn in the US, and beyond.”
Anti-Semite-1: “I agree. We were looking for sympathy and a winning game, and instead we hit the jackpot in worldwide support. It really does seem like a golden time for our side. There is only one problem.”
Anti-Semite-2: “What’s that?”
Anti-Semite-1: “I anticipate a small problem in making the Gazans out to be Warsaw Jews of the ghettos of 1943 when they flood the border of Rafah into Egypt. Some of these ideas might be hard to make stick”
Anti-Semite-2: “Why?”
Anti-Semite-1: “Well, there will still be horrible misery, as Egpyt and others are unlikely to want to feed and clothe and house the millions that will flood in. And between us both, the Israelis are committing monstrous acts. But how do we paint, even by numbers, the Egyptians as somehow either very different from the Israelis, or effectively calling them both Nazis? It has complications. ”
Anti-Semite-1: “Are you saying our use of the terms Genocide and Nazis might not be working?”
Anti-Semite-2: “Look, you and I and a hoard of our friends will find a way to cross that border when it comes. We always find new ways to make this work. Let’s continue with the language and we can figure out a new plan when it stops working. People have short memories anyways. 40% of the younger generation of Americans don’t even believe the Holocaust happened for God’s sake.”
Always nice to get a message from a mindless and soulless ‘bot incapable of coherent thought.
@Gerard Except that Israel is a Euro-colony designed to be a Sparta-state to keep the Middle East in line with US foreign policy. It has nothing to do with Judaism and was never about that. That Hamas et al are not against Jews per se, rather their occupiers. Had they Peruvians, Swiss, or whatever other ethnic group forcibly stole land and bomb and gunpoint and then murdered and humiliated and oppressed the indigenous population, the net result would be the same. Palestinians have every right to resist their occupiers. If you do not like it, take up the issue who have multiple resolutions on this topic including 242. As long as Israel occupies, they are on borrowed land and time. Israel designed the situation the way it is and are up there amongst the most vile regimes as are the populace who aids and abets ongoing crimes and teh criminals who fund them.
Give me some slack here, because I am not a intellectual or journalist, or well educated in the history of genocides, but I think the word genocide reserved for Israel at this time, post Oct 7, is an anti-Semitic trope in the context of the war Israel has waged on Hamas and the Palestinians (even if used by the UN, a traditionally pro-rights, pro-Israeli organization) because genocide is reserved for wars (masacres really, as in the Ottoman Empire massacre (Turks against the Armenians), or the Nazi elimination of Jews in concentration camps, in which the victims are being systematically eliminated to cleanse the population of that group when it poses no existential crisis except for the culture it presents to the opposing side. Nazi playbook is another such anti-Semitic trope. Hedges uses both of these words/phrases repeatedly, because, like Hamas and others, his playbook is that of the many 100’s of millions of Muslims in the world who would have the Jewish nation, with it’s 100 nuclear tipped warheads and of 20 million not exist in the region just north of Saudi Arabia and Egypt, and south of Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran, (geography needs work) and the support of the US and Western Allies.
Yes, I love Hedges for his passion and work in prisons, and demand for a Palestinian state and so forth, but he needs to distance himself from Hamas (he claims to have had a deep relationship with leaders, eating at their homes, etc), and distance himself from anti-Semitic tropes.
Fish could do the same to save his soul.
It’s a war of 2 different religious groups, one with a history of others trying to eliminate them, namely the Jews (think of Holocaust and the stated aims of Jihadists).
We have language to help us, not to confuse us. Unless your playbook is one of revenge.
Yes, it’s awful what Israel has done to Palestinians since 1948. It’s not genocide.
“It’s a war of 2 different religious groups, one with a history of others trying to eliminate them, namely the Jews (think of Holocaust and the stated aims of Jihadists).” <—– That is not so. If it were any group that colonized the space, the indigenous populace would want them out just the same. It just happens to be European colonists who call themselves "Jews" and commit atrocities in the name of Judaism You have European settlers who call themselves Jews take this space by force and systemically wholesale murder the populace for land. Of fucking course the locals want them out. Your tired game of calling resistance against colonialism "anti-Semetic" is ludicrous. Get a clue. Enough with your red herrings.
You rob and murder and when the robbed fight back you scream, "YOU ARE FIGHTING ME BECAUSE YOU HATE JEWS!!!", no you are being fought because you are fucking criminals committing mass crimes. Of course the victims will struggle.
I was giving your, “It’s not genocide” comment some thought. Say the situation was reversed, Palestinians herded Israelis into fenced and walled territories with guard towers, razor fances, and security checkpoints. Say Palestinians did targetted assassinations of Israeli officials with lots of collateral damage”. I mean lots. Denied Israelis the right to build schools, hospitals, or plant a tree without leave of the Palestinian authority. That Israelis were denied travel and commerce. That the blocked populace were habitually dissapeared, children by the hundreds tossed into prisons, people rounded up and tortured or just executed. If the Israelis peacefully protested, they would get live sniper fire. That children would habitually get targeted. Every few years the Palestinians would do a purge and kill thousands of Israelis who really did not like these conditions. Then, the Palestinians go on a nice purge where they kill 30, 000 +, 70% women and children, (so far), deny access to food and water, destroy every school and hospital and town by town, city by city, blast everything to rubble. If this happened to Israelis, without doubt, they would cal it “genocide”. So, let us get real here. You @Gerard, are a genocide apologist. ‘If we do it, it is not genocide. If others do it, GENOCIDE!!! HELP!!!’