1. Hello again, Lucy, one of my favorite genocide apologists.

    Why would Hamas not kill someone who stole their land, massacred their families, herded them into the world’s largest concentration camps and subjected them to yearly massacres referred to by Israel as “mowing the lawn”. Occupation radicalizes. It is like you are calling those in the Warsaw ghetto uprising “terrorists” for assaulting the poor, peaceful Germans.

    By the way, the rapes and the beheaded babies are lies. Israel lies. Always. No third party verification. Israel’s strongest rape cases refuted by the Kibbutz and families. There was no rape.

    That Hamas did attack civilians (IDF off duty) I will not dispute. But darling, who throws parties and lives peacefully next to a concentration camp. ‘The Zone of Interest’ anyone? And when the prisoners break out (people born and raised in a concentration camp), what do you expect them to do? What would you expect the Warsaw Ghetto uprisers do?

    And so you want to bomb Palestine into an LGBTQ2+ state? Worked great in Afghanistan!
    But you DO know that Israel formed Hamas, right? As a way to undermine PLO.
    That is the thing about gaslighting fascists like you, you think ‘history’ is not a thing.

    Israel is the terrorist. Never forget.

  2. This is one of the most appalingly stupid cartoons I’ve ever seen. Hamas would kill every flower child who’s Jewish, LGBTQ or women who’ve have “dishonored” them in their eyes. Maybe your intent is to mock students who say they want peace and are supporting a terrorist group who raped and killed women and babies and took women and. children hostage.

    1. Hey Lucy,

      Look up.

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