1. We haven’t got a chance so steal your imagination for 4 more years, a war in Iran and more dead babies in cages at the border. You know i adore you, Fish. But WTF is wrong with this country is only doable by taking direct action on every street corner in America….and it simply win’t happen. Yeah, obviously i’m pretty damed depressed. Where is a long gun for people like me right now. Because I’m that hated Jewish Klan of pure bullshit and i am so very done with just how deep the hatred goes. What’s so funny ‘bout peace, love, understanding and gun control? I hate the thought of Dumbo, our killer in chief celebrating this kind of action, and you know he does. Full KFC bucket and all. And Ivanka? Go fuck your dad, bribe him and actually do more than talk out of your ass. Put it to good use, you fucking “Jew loving, humanitarian” phoney. We’re not all stupid, just the majority.

  2. I’d wish I could see primary debates between 5 Republicans and 5 Democrats to see the difference between the two parties and how they talk to and align with each other INSTEAD of how they talk to us, the electorate, but still holding separate party primary elections.

    This won’t happen because there would be 8 candidates standing against 2 in the end.

    Need I mention that this one wish is not all inclusive of all that I wish?

    1. There is no difference at all. None.

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