1. Sure, make it a game. Call it Candy Crush Constituency. Make the pay-to-play fee $1M so as not to rattle the foundation of our democracy. High score gets to be President.

  2. I see Brad everyday too. He’s the guy the young guy that always strikes up a conversation with the older woman at the other table when he’s looked up from his phone. He’s no Agist. Older chicks are hot. After talking to Brad for awhile inevitably this older woman will ask what he thinks about Trump. And to-a- Brad the answer is always, “Why should I give a shit about Trump? He doesn’t affect my world.” To which the older woman hopelessly asks, “Well, did you vote for him or anybody?” And Brad looks at the older woman who is becoming less attractive by the moment and shrugs his shoulders and says, “I don’t vote, it doesn’t matter, my vote doesn’t count. I’ve never voted” The older woman sighs, not at all surprised because she felt like that one upon a time, excuses herself and walks away thinking that Democracy app sure would be nice.

      1. It’s funny because when I look in the mirror I don’t see a scapegoat. The classic clash of the generations. Aristotle would be laughing his ass off.

        Thanks for the link, but I come here to enjoy Fish’s work and believe it or not 80% more Boomers read more than younger generations since 1985.

        What’s so funny ‘bout peace love and understanding?

        1. what’s funny is the older generation trying to blame the younger for the completely fucked world we currently live in, when it was them who continuously voted for right wing govts over the last 40 years. But they read more so they’re smarter? typical liberal insight.

  3. I see Brad everyday at work. He always makes the Team Building events after work. He is great at thinking of new ways to make us better connected at work and even on the nights and weekends. You should have seen him at the Summer Retreat. So selfless of him to run the thing and give up time with his family. Our division broke profit expectations for the 4th year in a row. Go Brad!

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