“….possible names for the twins” Narcissus and Nemesis (may she long prevail.)
M Henri Day
That figure seems to be pregnant with twins, the birth of one of which will preclude that of the other. Either those running the US will become so frustrated as they view their fond dream of global hegemony fading into the mists that they initiate a military conflict that will soon escalate to a thermonuclear holocaust that brings the 300000 year-old career of H sapiens sapiens on this blue planet to an abrupt end, or, with our failure to take the requisite steps to curb our emissions of greenhous gases, we shall manage to bake ourselves to death. Anyone pondering over possible names for the twins ?…
Giving birth to Bush and Rockefeller’s New World Disorder . . . courtesy of the United States of Psychopathic Monsters.
“….possible names for the twins” Narcissus and Nemesis (may she long prevail.)
That figure seems to be pregnant with twins, the birth of one of which will preclude that of the other. Either those running the US will become so frustrated as they view their fond dream of global hegemony fading into the mists that they initiate a military conflict that will soon escalate to a thermonuclear holocaust that brings the 300000 year-old career of H sapiens sapiens on this blue planet to an abrupt end, or, with our failure to take the requisite steps to curb our emissions of greenhous gases, we shall manage to bake ourselves to death. Anyone pondering over possible names for the twins ?…
Giving birth to Bush and Rockefeller’s New World Disorder . . . courtesy of the United States of Psychopathic Monsters.