For those of you who missed it, this is what the front page of Truthdig looked like before the publisher did the online version of calling in her thugs with the blackjacks and fire hoses. The strike announcement is right below the HIGH STANDARDS MAKE TRUTHDIG A TRUSTED SOURCE donation tab, which is perfect. Luckily, the content was grabbed by and you can see what you missed here. I’m guessing that by next week there will be a small handful of progressive writers, reporters and one cartoonist looking for work in a United States that is becoming increasingly more inhospitable to alternative journalism and artistic dissent…



  1. Dear Mr. Booth,
    Your very creative contributions to honesty and the disclosure of the powerful destructive forces driving our society are so very important to our mental health. So are the contributions of Robert Scheer and the signatories of the letter. I hope that the arrogant, non-contributory, bully CEO doesn’t succeed in taking you fine people hostage and looting truthdig.
    Capitalism Kills.
    (I hope you will forgive me for also posting this on the original image page.)

  2. truthdig is stale crackers. needs more music and culture

  3. More power to you all!

  4. Best wishes to you, Dwayne, to Executive Editor Kasia Anderson, Managing Editor Jacob Sugarman, Foreign Editor Natasha Hakimi Zapata, Book Editor Eunice Wong and blogger Ilana Novick, along with columnists Chris Hedges, Lee Camp and Paul Street – and not least Robert Scheer. Let us hope that you prevail, and that Truthdig remains worth reading….


    1. Unlikely, Henri. The publisher has locked out all those engaged in the protest and refuses to communicate. A press release is going out later today announcing that we’ve all been fired, unless, of course, the impossible happens and a dialogue is initiated. If the site doesn’t disappear, it will likely reemerge as just another establishment popup shop of the most tepid profit-generating liberal ideas no more radical than Urban Outfitters.

  5. So sorry to hear about this crisis. May Truthdig under Robert Scheer’s leadership remain and remain strong!

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