1. You have to give Fish credit.

    A livable planet: Priceless
    For everything else, there’s MasterPlan
    (see Douglas Rushkoff, Survival of the Richest)

    Money is a “real” IOU from society,
    which may or may not be realized as hoped or predicted.

    1. And they won’t let you onto Mars without a VISA
      Everywhere you want to flee.

  2. Money is imaginary.

    The violence that backs money is real.

    When all the real stuff of value is gone, all that will be left is money, but money without anyone left to imagine it into the realm of the real.

    You are on a desert island with no hope of rescue for months. What would you rather have: tons of preserved food, or tons of gold?

    Fail this test into personal extinction.

  3. ohhh, 3*19 = 57. my bad.

  4. Number of the Beasties (us).

    1. I won’t be able to rest until I figure out the numbers. If the universe is a hallogram, and all the bits of every thought are entangled on the event horizons (that’s surely true), then Fish didn’t just pick randomly.

      666 – Revelation’s sign of the beast
      541 – Books burn + 90
      11 twice – joke at Twin Primes
      57 – another prime

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