1. As you are in my generational group, you may possibly relate to my experience:

    I always referred to a college degree as the “meal ticket,” since it was believed this was the ultimate proof you’d paid your way into membership within the ruling class. Sadly, for most Americans, obtaining a degree merely provides one more opportunity for the bait-and-switch scam artists masquerading as guidance counselors, loan officers, and admissions officers, so they can create an unending Tolstoyan tableaux of absolutely Kafkaesque consequence.

    The sad fact that tens of millions of under-educated Americans have been suckered into the military in order to obtain their “meal ticket,” and that hundreds of millions more have been grafted by for-profit institutions peddling worthless degrees, should anger any American capable of comprehending what $30,000 of student loan debt can do to a person, who graduates WITHOUT the necessary qualifications in order to obtain gainful employment.

    Perhaps my real question should be: exactly how much of that $3oK will eventually find its way into the pocket of a federally-elected official who will continue to do nothing to change this?

  2. US Education Secretary
    Joseph Biden Administration
    1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

    is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

    Topic: Art Issues – meet up with Fish. Discuss Alternatives.
    Attendance: Mandatory
    Time: Jun 22, 2021 01:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
    Every 2 days, Until Re-educated
    Jun 22, 2021 01:00 PM
    Jun 24, 2021 01:00 PM
    …. Continued

    Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.


    Join Zoom Meeting

    Meeting ID: 529 1810 3819
    Passcode: BadBoyChair4U

    1. Fish, Of Course, Your Humor beats all.

      1. 😂

        1. I meant Bromden. Chief Bromden

  3. This might be the best piece yet.

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