1. C’mon guys, why all the gloom and doom? Climate catastrophe, rampant mutant disease, and hungry extra-terrestrials with superior technology will get us WA-A-A-YYYY before the Narcissistic Sociopaths!

  2. I had the exact same experience, Ted. I couldn’t believe that so many of my friends and colleagues weren’t able to see how obvious our path to doomsday as a nation had suddenly become.

  3. Fall-down funny
    Then go fetal and cry.

    Still recall standing in ‘Nova’s humanities faculty lounge the morning after 9/11 and feeling sick about the imperial backlash to come. I tried to share the feeling with an older colleague, but he was still mourning “our” dead. To see a fellow liberal look at me in disgust was chilling. And a sign of what lay ahead.

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