If only there was some type of system where justice could be rendered by twelve registered voters RANDOMLY chosen from all adults living within the same neighborhood, who could be compelled to assemble for the sole purpose of reviewing all pertinent forensic evidence, government documentation, eyewitness statements, and video recordings… so that in secret deliberations after this a legal consensus could be developed amongst them in order to determine whether the three white officers in question acted with malice aforethought (possibly while possessed of delusional pretensions to racial superiority), and in a manner completely consistent with an obvious intention to inflict great bodily harm upon the unfortunately now-deceased Mr. Brown.
If only there was some type of system where justice could be rendered by twelve registered voters RANDOMLY chosen from all adults living within the same neighborhood, who could be compelled to assemble for the sole purpose of reviewing all pertinent forensic evidence, government documentation, eyewitness statements, and video recordings… so that in secret deliberations after this a legal consensus could be developed amongst them in order to determine whether the three white officers in question acted with malice aforethought (possibly while possessed of delusional pretensions to racial superiority), and in a manner completely consistent with an obvious intention to inflict great bodily harm upon the unfortunately now-deceased Mr. Brown.