1. I’m so glad I live in a society where I have the ability to choose between such odious, obvious evil as Apple — and freedom-loving, inclusive Android / Google / Microsoft/ PayPal / FaceBuch / Twitter tools. Yes.

  2. HEY WAIT A MINUTE!! My name is also Brad… and I occasionally eat apples.

    C’est la guerre, mon bon ami!

  3. HEY WAIT A MINUTE!! Apple is my product of choice. I identify with Apple Branding. Apple is Good. Apple a Day takes my money away. HOW DARE YOU ATTACK that which I need to cling to for to provide me with meaning, incentive, a sense of right and wrong and above all it identifies me as a flamboyant elitist who “wants to save humanity but it’s people that I just can’t stand.”

    Next thing you know, Fish will find something rotten with Hanes underwater. Probably made my slave apple users. Life used to be so fun. Why do you have to ruin everything!!!

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