I will be at the Robert Berman Gallery in Santa Monica on Saturday, February 19th, for the opening of my spanking new art show called A FISTFUL OF HITS! In addition to a shit ton of original pieces for purchase, there will be Fish books, Fish prints and Fish dvds for sale, plus an open bar and live fucking jazz. For crapsake, let’s hang out – it’s been way too long! See you all there! (As always, if you need a refresher re just how lovable I am, rent/buy the doc, Mr. Fish: Cartooning from the Deep End.)
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Internationally pre-marketing an open bar show in the “home of the homeless” is totally radical!
The only thing that might top this, would be printing and posting original artwork flyers on telephone poles and store windows, and maybe selling a few signed copies as collectors item$?
Keep on keepin’ on, my man. Be sure to give Mr. Shearer my best… if you see the little pickle.