1. California is now offering parents free round trip tickets to fly their daughters there to get an abortion!!

    Pass it on!!


  2. “I’m not worried about climate change, things are being done to fix it. Our biggest problem is population decline.” – autistic oligarch Elon Musk

  3. In a Zoom room earlier this week, the topic of overturning Roe v. Wade came up, in a small group of mixed gender, age, etc.

    For quite some time, I’ve struggled with the issues surrounding abortion, rights, freedom of choice, etc. Finally, I realized that as a male who is clueless about what a female experiences from inception to and through post-partum, it dawned on me that I have no grounds from which to even speak on that matter, much less should be allowed to influence law and policy on related matters of female birth control, abortion, etc. — especially voting on those issues. The only voices, votes, and opinions that must be heard, heeded, and upheld by law and policy are the *WOMEN’S* voices. We men should only be allowed to even speak about if asked to do so by a woman. Otherwise we should STFU and leave these matters entirely in hands of those who bear human children from inception to birth (or not, as they collectively decide).

    A wise woman (my mother, in fact) commented during the days leading up to Roe v. Wade, “If men got pregnant, abortion would a religious ritual and sacrament.” She was right then and now especially so.

    1. Damn well written! I applaud your, ummmm, respect? Logic? Understanding?
      Ok. All of the above. It just seems so suspiciously well thought out. Debated over, even, by your own values system and intelligence. I’d give you a standing O but I’m writing this while also having unprotected sex. Hope everything pulls out okay. Women! Think for themselves? What’s next? No corsets?

    1. I am extremely sorry to hear about your horrible, horrible parenting. Child abuse which i also suffered is never okay. Peace and love to you now. I hope you are in counseling or therapy. That trauma doesn’t go away.


    2. I am extremely sorry to hear about your horrible, horrible parenting. Child abuse which i also suffered is never okay. Peace and love to you now. I hope you are in counseling or therapy. That trauma doesn’t go away.

    3. I am extremely sorry to hear about your horrible, horrible parenting. Child abuse which i also suffered is never okay. Peace and love to you now. I hope you are in counseling or therapy. That trauma doesn’t go away.

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