1. I want to be pithy, but it’s so sad. Not SAD! But truly, heartbreakingly sad. Just look at how sad your Lady Liberty’s eyes are. There is no safe place. Heavy sigh. Would it be considered stealing your work, Mr. of the Fish, if I got a tattoo of this? It would make me happier.

  2. I’m certain that the ultra-rich have put the final nail in the coffin of American democracy, with tens of millions of our fellow citizens arming themselves to the teeth in reaction to propaganda about their own neighbors, relatives, and friends… rather than the ongoing reckless actions of our lying politicians, news personalities, and the nuclear-armed psychopaths running our military.

    P.S.- Why the red dress? It seems like a Trinity outfit would have been much more appropriate.

  3. Sorry, glibness inappropriate!

  4. Nya, see, you mugs can’t touch me, see! Liberty, justice, and heaters for all, nya, see!

  5. Lady Liberty goes femme fatale.

  6. I want a 8ft by 10 ft mural for my home office!

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