1. Hey Linda, Are you vaccinated? If not, please, please get all the shots the govt says you need.

    1. Yeah, sorry to disappoint but not only am I agaInst-abortion and general idiocy being thrown my way, by the likes of you, but I am of the evil species known as anti-vaxxers. Or maybe it’s just taking whatever “the government says” that I just plain object to. Just my fucking opinion, literally.

      But again…hahahahahaha..you are one funny as hell dude. Good on you for continuing your campaign to lighten my days with laughter. I appreciate you.

  2. Is this available on a shirt? I’d love to wear it around in the red state I live in that had trigger bans in place… so much for “giving the choice back to the people…” I didn’t see this shit on the ballot, it just happened because our old, white ‘saviors’ said it should.

    1. Ha – I wish! Still trying to find a t-shirt company to partner with. Dig it.

      1. do a search for “Certified Organic Cotton Grown and Sewn in the USA”
        maybe they will meet your requirements

  3. Linda is a poison pill
    don’t bother

    1. You are Linda.

      1. you are

  4. I do love your idea. it was even well thought out and cohesive. You read a book? Wow! Good for you! Was it just the one? I’m curious which one?

    Personally, believe it or don’t I have read over 800 books. And they weren’t romance novels.

    I know the idiot parade commenting on subjects that the well read Mr Fish is toiling away at are as dumb as a box of hair. You seem different and I applaud you for that. Thank you.

    Now to the boxes of hair that will tear my comment to shreds have not only read any books but as they accuse me of, they are FOX viewers because they love a good show. To them, Jordan, Paul Pot, EJH, and the others that continue the trash talk of insanity and stupidity I say absolutely nothing. Why?

    YOU ALL ARE NOT WORTH MY TIME. So go for it. Rip me to pieces. i will not engage in worthless conversations with toddlers. So goodbye, Jordon (the dumbest of them all) a very sincere goodbye you absolute fool. Now, see if this makes any difference in my world. Because you don’t. And oh, hell yeah, I am better than you, more peaceful, more intelligent and most certainly not a centrist. Bye. Have a nice useless life. I will enjoy my full life. I will not accept a partial life like all of you have. You dumb, ignorant less then human, absolute morons. BIG YAWN, YOU ARE SO DUMB IT MAKES ME WANT TO. NAP. BUT, HEY….what’s so funny ‘bout peace love and understanding? All of you and your cadre of idiots can enjoy Fish. He is the genius, you are just plain ol’ dumb. Buh-bye.

    1. It’s ok to be angry, Linda. If I read 800 books and was still as lost, confused, ignorant, void of any real understanding of the world, as you are, I’d be pretty angry too. More books, maybe! We need more books! Maybe if Clarence Thomas just read a few more books! Somebody get Jamie Dimon a nice fat stack of books! They’ve probably already read more books than Linda, but just a few more will do the trick! Love ya, Linda.

      1. YAWN!

    2. This imbecile has read 800 books? We’re gonna need a really big fire.

      1. Perfect, burn books. They aren’t any use to you anyway. Or did you mean you would set me on fire

        Sorry, Hitler already tried to wipe out my family. He was smarter than you are! So try! I am an Atheist because religion is a contemporary myth, nothing more. Oh, plus, I think you’ll head into the shower before I would, or my mother or my great grandparents. They lived to be 105 and 107, despite the attempt at the made up Jewish story. I am not rich. I do not own everything, and I do not hate people who are religious. You are a very lonely, sad, hateful person.

        Now try your big boy words on me again!

        You ARE part of this country’s backasswards thinking. Just because you follow Fish does not give a pass. Deal with that! YOU AND YOUR HATING PALS ARE THE PROBLEM NOT THE SOLUTION. SAD! Or is it? Nah, not really. You have to have humans, with real human emotions to care. You are lacking many human qualities that could make this world a better place. SAD!

        I hate trying to get through to 4 year olds. You don’t even possess the same qualities of a child. Buh-bye! Could you read that? Doubtful.

      2. Try to read 1 book. Just one. That’s a challenge.

  5. Sorry, but I need more babies. Preferably poor babies. surplus labor, downward pressure on wages and all that. Also gonna need people desperate enough to go work as indentured servants on my Mars colony. It’s my mission to expand human consciousness to other planets. and then force it to live in a right wing libertarian tech dystopia. Pretty cool right? I saw it in a book once. Did I mention I have a robotic dick implant? Please think I’m cool.

    1. I think you’re cool. And your comment is perfect. Do you wanna get me pregnant? I’m all for revisiting 1868. An N-word will serve us. But do not let those black folk near blonde white women. Screws up your brilliant plan. No abortions allowed!

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