For decades US and Israel have used each others brutal capabilities in Colombia, Argentina, Guatemala (hand in hand in genocide against Mayans who only wanted “a place at the table”) and God knows how many other countries, covering each others ass as needed, and fearmongering so violence is inevitable wherever convenient for arms sales. We are trained to accept excuses for all of this, during decades long military “adventures.” Mr. Fish’s the level of awareness and objection is like that of Australian media critic Caitlin Johnstone, rejecting the insulting level of manipulation we are expected to swallow.
I. Khider
Some books to help digest:
Haaretz reporter, Amira Hass: “Drinking the Sea at Gaza: Days and Nights in a Land Under Siege”
Noam Chomsky: “Fateful Triangle: The United States, Israel and the Palestinians”
Patrick Seale: “Abu Nidal A Gun For Hire”:
The last one mentioned, Patrick Seale, notes on the Israeli tendency to have Palestinian “doves” or those “willing to compromise” systematically eradicated and only leave radicalised opposition in power. The play is to show that Palestinains will not listen to reason and therefore cannot be negotiated with. Where Israelis do not directly liquidate moderates, they send Palestinian radicals as proxies to neutralise. Chomsky too speaks of his strategy in his well documented work. The current state of Gaza is decades in the making, radicalise the prison populace into a “prison riot”, show the lot to be unreasonable, then push them out.
There is no “trying to solve”, this was the plan all along.
Ron Tyler
No doubt. You still get my point though …
Ron Tyler
That about sums it up. And one other thing for sure. The United States government has lost all credibility with this affair. After 75 years, they’re still in the room trying to “solve” the problem. No. They’re done. They’ve had their chance. Get the Palestinian and Israeli people together into a room with … I don’t know … Jordan and Norway or … Indonesia and Denmark and have them hash it out. Otherwise, it’s just more of the same. And it’s just gonna get worse before it gets worse.
For decades US and Israel have used each others brutal capabilities in Colombia, Argentina, Guatemala (hand in hand in genocide against Mayans who only wanted “a place at the table”) and God knows how many other countries, covering each others ass as needed, and fearmongering so violence is inevitable wherever convenient for arms sales. We are trained to accept excuses for all of this, during decades long military “adventures.” Mr. Fish’s the level of awareness and objection is like that of Australian media critic Caitlin Johnstone, rejecting the insulting level of manipulation we are expected to swallow.
Some books to help digest:
Haaretz reporter, Amira Hass: “Drinking the Sea at Gaza: Days and Nights in a Land Under Siege”
Noam Chomsky: “Fateful Triangle: The United States, Israel and the Palestinians”
Patrick Seale: “Abu Nidal A Gun For Hire”:
The last one mentioned, Patrick Seale, notes on the Israeli tendency to have Palestinian “doves” or those “willing to compromise” systematically eradicated and only leave radicalised opposition in power. The play is to show that Palestinains will not listen to reason and therefore cannot be negotiated with. Where Israelis do not directly liquidate moderates, they send Palestinian radicals as proxies to neutralise. Chomsky too speaks of his strategy in his well documented work. The current state of Gaza is decades in the making, radicalise the prison populace into a “prison riot”, show the lot to be unreasonable, then push them out.
A couple more:
Edward W. Said and Christopher Hitchens: “Blaming the Victims: Spurious Scholarship and the Palestinian Question”
Haaretz reporter, Gideon Levy: “The Punishment of Gaza”
perhaps the wanderers should embrace wandering
There is no “trying to solve”, this was the plan all along.
No doubt. You still get my point though …
That about sums it up. And one other thing for sure. The United States government has lost all credibility with this affair. After 75 years, they’re still in the room trying to “solve” the problem. No. They’re done. They’ve had their chance. Get the Palestinian and Israeli people together into a room with … I don’t know … Jordan and Norway or … Indonesia and Denmark and have them hash it out. Otherwise, it’s just more of the same. And it’s just gonna get worse before it gets worse.