1. Imperialists and colonialists see themselves in Israel.

  2. Actually, if the engineer-devil only cares about lucrative contracts with Israel, he would vote for Republicans and also Trump, who showed what he’d do while in office the last time, including moving the US embassy to Jerusalem and trying to bar people entering the U.S. from Islamic countries that harbor jihadists. I don’t agree with it. It was intended to be provocative. It was undemocratic. But don’t expect Harris to court Israel that way. Her base of support is much father left and includes many Arab and Muslim Americans sympathetic with Palestinians who are big supporters of Hamas in Gaza and Hizbollah in Lebanon, arrayed against Israel.

    But, I agree that the Democrats and Republicans, as a collective, including people like the Jewish senator Bernie Sanders, alike are generally supportive of Israel. Why? Well for starters, Jewish people only make up a few percent of Americans, but they dominate the professions in the U.S. , and the Jewish diaspora that fled Europe went to the U.S. and Palestine and helped the U.S. in WW2. It’s an astonishing fact that 2 out of every 3 theoretical physicists on the Manhattan Project were Jewish or of Jewish decent. It’s amazing given that 2 out of every 3 Jews of Europe were shot in the face and gassed and starved to death. Those Jewish immigrants and children of Jewish immigrants included Richard Feynman, Robert Oppenheimer, Enrico Fermi, Hans Bethe, Fred Reines and many others. Many won Nobel Prizes and the U.S. dominated the sciences up until the present.

    While I am not a Republican nor a Trump supporter ( he’s a convicted felon and has a despicable tongue and tried to overturn a free and fair election, to name a few things ) , the engineer-devil in the armchair knows quite clearly that what is at stake in his work to produce weapons for Israel is American values and Israel’s existence. It’s a war for a reason. The reason people go to war is that neither side can be sure the outcome, and neither side is assured to win.

    So, I think the engineer-devil might actually be a good guy dressed up by a cartoonist to look evil to feed an image to a public that has not read much or learned much about the Holocaust or the long sad history of anti-semitism, and still doesn’t take jihadist words at face value. The general public, and the left in particular, thinks fear or threat of Islamic regimes is just Islamophobia. Planes flying into NY buildings in 2001 is just thought of as a few radicals with luck. Neither do images of westerners beheaded by ISIS. Not stories of what the Talaban does to girls in Afghanistan. Not the statements of Hamas and Hizbollah and Iran that openly proclaim the destruction of Israel in their charters and military aims.

    Somehow I think the devil is just gaslighting us with a confused look on his face.

    In the world of ideas, America is whatever image you want to have. It can be a bastion of human rights in a world of tyranny ( and most entering here without permission would agree with that ) or it can be the devil and the image of power and empire and exploitation for greed. Some of each is certainly true. What’s the fair truth then?

    For me, America, and our friend Israel, are places people want to live in for the values we hold, including safety and infrastructure and courts and elections and such things. And they flee aggression in Ukraine over land by Russia, and the terror of despotic regimes. Our engineer-devil is getting paid to resist Iran’s funding of military proxies in Gaza, Lebanon, Yemen and other places, with the 200 million Arabs surrounding the 20 million Jews of Israel, most perfectly ok with the aims.

    Long live our Jewish friends. You are loved and in my thoughts as you navigate the long slow war that is turning red hot now.

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