1. IOF HQ is in Tel Aviv, in the middle of lots of genocidal (in)human shields. Netanyahu is in a tunnel under Tel Aviv, like a genocidal rat.

  2. The defenseless inhabitants are also known as Human Shields in military parlance, , and the Lebanese people were devoted to this leader who has a little history.

    In 1976 the penniless 16-year-old left for the famous Iraqi Shia seminary in Najaf. Al-Musawi, a fellow Lebanese exile, became his mentor. After Iraq expelled Lebanese students in 1978, Nasrallah studied with Al-Musawi in Baalbek, in the Beqaa Valley, and joined Amal’s politburo.
    By 1982 younger Shias such as Nasrallah were deserting Amal for Khomeini’s camp.

    Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards based in Lebanon turned these radicals into Hezbollah. Its affiliates conducted suicide attacks in 1983 that killed more than 300 US and French peacekeeping soldiers. They later fought Amal and kidnapped westerners such as Terry Waite for the benefit of Iran.

    1. Excellent colors and stunning execution as always. What an amazing artist you are. Truly

  3. Destroying the leader destroys the ideology. Just ask Che Guevara.

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