1. “People, I just want to say, you know, can we all get along?”
    -Innocent African-American Victim of Excessive Police Violence (1992)

    IF YOU CAN REMEMBER HIS NAME… extra, bonus, smart, American citizen points JUST for you!

    This post in no way linked to subversive and divisive Russian internet posts on social media.

    da papa Vladimir!

  2. Not advertised on the label: WHO SPONSORED/”PRODUCED” this Murican shitshow producing all this gratuitous cruelty and turmoil :……https://thehill.com/homenews/media/474260-mark-levin-calls-trump-first-jewish-president/
    all the while preserving a “gentrified” silence like innocent bystanders as an imposed UNENDING fascist hatred grips minorities even within the borders……oy vey….well done AIPAC. what a bunch of PLAYERS……and the media….trots out ass-wipe “Bernie” to a round of “public” talk shows during the inter-regnum after an unprecedented 4 year slumber knowing full well it’s all empty posturing, appearing very “democratic” before “pocketing” him back into the shade under a rock. And To boot,….. spinning and projecting this gentrified white bipartisan “benign neglect” during outrageous times, as equally worthy behavior on to the aggrieved minorities who are being viscerally pulverized from all consideration in the country of their citizenship. T.I.M. This is Murica. No apologizing afterwords…..the Christian religion is quite the thing…..do any crime,,……but “confess” in silence…….and you’re golden. T.I.M.

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