1. Sure Joe came on strong. But that’s exactly what political debates have been reduced to. Does anyone really think its a coincidence that a pundit asked the question after a Bush v’s Kerry debate “who would you rather have a beer with?” As the Commission On Presidential Debates was gradually pushing out The League of Women voters and handing over more and more control to corporate entities like Anhiser Bushe, Hewlett Packard etc. So it’s no wonder the debates are treated and commented on more akin to a sporting event than an actual “boring” debate on substantive issues, Zzzzz who would want to watch such drivel? I’ve watched both debates on Democracy Now with there inclusion of the two of the third party candidates who give actual answers by comparison to the two corporate proxies babbling in corporate sponsored onclaves to a live audience of insiders, leeches and brownosers. One quote keeps coming to mind “A psychotic is a guy who’s just found out what’s going on.” William S. Burroughs
    We need more psychotics!

  2. Hope he got the soup !…


  3. they deserved one another.
    we deserve a paradigm shift

    1. Agreed – Totally.

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