But perhaps we are too harsh on Ms Clinton ? After all, she has expressed herself most forcefully by saying that «[t]hese activities set back the cause of a negotiated peace». A crack of the whip that no doubt will cause dear «Bibi» and Likud to reconsider and bring them back into the fold….
How about Canada ? Lots of hate for the Palestinians, not so much for the Israelis and their 3000 new homes on Palestinian land ….. Stinkers.
But perhaps we are too harsh on Ms Clinton ? After all, she has expressed herself most forcefully by saying that «[t]hese activities set back the cause of a negotiated peace». A crack of the whip that no doubt will cause dear «Bibi» and Likud to reconsider and bring them back into the fold….
Fish – your art and commentary on this one are perfect. Also check out The Pretenders at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UkL9SwhuDQQ