You know, there is one simple thing that could be done that might make Barry stop and think a little tiny bit more about what he is doing. Imagine if Sweden publicly and loudly announced that they were rescinding Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize for peace? Imagine the reactions that would occur all around the world if they demanded it back in view of what he has done since he took office? Physically. They should demand that he turn it over to a representative of the Swedish Embassy immediately.
Don’t be silly. If that happened, Barry would call in a drone strike on the Swedish Embassy.
You know, there is one simple thing that could be done that might make Barry stop and think a little tiny bit more about what he is doing. Imagine if Sweden publicly and loudly announced that they were rescinding Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize for peace? Imagine the reactions that would occur all around the world if they demanded it back in view of what he has done since he took office? Physically. They should demand that he turn it over to a representative of the Swedish Embassy immediately.
Don’t be silly. If that happened, Barry would call in a drone strike on the Swedish Embassy.
Yeah, but now we got a black President fucking over the poors and bombing the foreigners and sucking off the banksters.